Isle of Death

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When I woke up, Tenshi was balled up in the hammock with me. She woke up and meowed, I was blushing. I asked her, "T-Tenshi, w-what are you d-doing?"

She replied, "I got cold, and you looked so cozy..."

"Oh, that's ok," We got up and I got dressed into my clothes. I noticed she was still in rags, I looked through the dresser and found a white dress that was her size. She put it on while I covered my eyes.

"Thank you..."

I smiled and said, "No problem." We went down to the mess room and ate like we did yesterday. After that, Impa called us over.

"Oni, Tenshi,", she said, "Are you two doing anything today?". We shook our heads. "Good, because you both need to take special lessons."

I asked, "What kind of lessons?" Impa smiled.

"Well, both of you are going to learn how to dance, Tenshi is going to learn how to cook, and you're going to do some combat training, Oni." We smiled and both nodded in agreement. "Great! Let's get started..."

I blushed as I put one hand on Tenshi's waist and the other on her shoulder. She smiled and giggled. Impa said, "Now Tenshi, you need to let Oni lead as you dance." Tenshi nodded. Impa played music as she instructed us. We continued dancing for about 30 minutes with our eyes locked. After we finished, we separated for our next lessons, and when we finished those we had the rest of the day to play in the crow's nest.

This cycle continued for the next 10 months. We were both 6 by now and we mastered our lessons. We both danced seamlessly together, Tenshi's cooking actually made me pass out from tasting so good, and I could beat all of the soldiers with a single blow. We sat in the crow's nest like we always did. I saw something appear over the horizon. I started ringing the bell and shouting, "LAND AHEAD! LAND AHEAD!"

When we got there, the island was covered by mist. Tenshi grabbed my hand. We found a dock and unloaded the wagon there. I heard footsteps from the other end of the dock and drew my sword. Tenshi hid behind me. A cloaked figure was shambling toward us. It was a redead. Everyone drew their swords. "Calm down!", it said in its raspy voice, "I mean no harm, I am but a messenger!" I stared at it in silence, I could feel Tenshi shaking and holding back a scream. "Welcome to the Isle of Death, as my master calls it..."

"Isle of Death? That sounds ridiculous... Could your master not think of anything better?", Impa asked.

"I wouldn't insult him... He could wipe out all of your little troop..."

"Don't you dare lay a finger on my men!"

The redead laughs as I go to stand between him and everyone else. I get into a ready stance. It looked at me and laughed harder. My expression remained composed.

"Oh, a hero...", it said, "My master doesn't like those...". It lets out a scream that paralyzes everyone but me. The screaming stops suddenly and I stand on the other side of it, facing away. It falls apart and turns into dust. More redeads clumsily run towards us. I charge them and swing my sword at them in a crossing motion. Their limbs go flying in every direction until there's nothing left to cut. Everyone else stares in shock. Tenshi runs to me and hugs me, shaking. We all get on the wagon and follow a path that leads to a huge mountain. There's a huge cave opening in the side. The mouth of the cave is splattered in black goo.

"I'll go in...", I said. They stayed there as I walked in. The black goo was everywhere. I saw some of it moving. I eventually reached a huge cavern. There was a giant white spot in the center of the floor. It looked like it was inflating. It became a big, disgusting, white blob with thick, throbbing black tentacles snapping around. Its eyes were pure black and it had two mouths, one was between its eyes. I was a little frightened at first, then I composed myself and knew this was a monster I had to destroy. It let out an ungodly screech and I yelled, charging it. It tried grabbing me in its tentacles, but whenever it did, I jumped and cut the tentacle. I jumped onto one of them and run up it. It tried knocking me off with a different tentacle, then I just jumped onto that one and ran on it. I eventually reached its head. It slapped me off and I started falling. I tumbled once I reached the floor and charged at it. This time, instead of dodging its tentacles, I ran between its other tentacles. I continued this until the creature was tied into knots. I bounced off of its tentacles high into the air. I came down with earth-shaking forced and dug my blade deep into its forehead. It let out another screech as it began dissolving. The black goo disappeared revealing a cavern full of orange rupee gems. Everyone else came in. Impa and the soldiers grabbed as many rupees as they could. Tenshi ran in and hugged me.

She asked, "Why are you so brave?"

I replied, breathing heavily, "Because I have to be..."

She giggled and we went back outside. The mist went away and we went back down. The people at the port city celebrated the death of the creature in the cave. They agreed to join the kingdom of Hyrule and all was well. After the ceremony, we got back on Farore's Wind and embarked on our next journey. Tenshi and I were laying down in our cabin. "Oni...", she said.

"What is it?"

"Where do we go now?"


"What do you mean?"

"I mean we're always going forward, no matter how much we want to go back, we always have to go forward..."


"We'll just keep exploring and finding something new until we go so far forward that we're back home..." I flicked off the light. "Goodnight, Tenshi."

"Good night...... Shiro..."

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