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I sat outside with Tenshi, looking at the stars. She smiled and nuzzled my arm. I smiled too. Link, Akuma, and Yume were inside reading. I continued staring at the night sky I made, adding stars where I saw fit. Tenshi stared in awe at every little improvement I made.

"It's so pretty, Shiro...", I heard her say. I smiled and kissed her head.

"Thank you, my angel...", I responded. She blushed and giggled a little, kissing my chin. I smiled as I felt her soft lips touching me. I moved my head so my lips met hers. We kissed for a while until she pulled away.



"I... I want another baby..."

I smiled hearing this. I kissed her on the cheek and whispered into her ear: "We can try now..."

She started blushing uncontrollably and replied: "I would like that..."

I teleported us a little bit farther from the house so I knew we were out of earshot. We stripped down there. Tenshi purred, laying back against a mossy rock. I saw her tails wagging. I got on top of her and smiled. I kissed her deeply, and she kissed back. We made love there. I could sense a soul forming inside her after we finished. I leaned to her ear.

"It worked...", I whispered into Tenshi's ear. She blushed darkly and kissed me again. We got our clothes back on, and I was about to teleport us back until Tenshi stopped me, shaking her head.

"No...", she said, smiling, "Let's walk back..." I smiled back and took her by the hand. We started walking home. Fireflies were dancing around us as we jumped across the stepping stones in the river. Frogs and crickets were singing a sonata to us as we continued towards home. I looked at Tenshi, her tails were swishing back and forth. I saw her ears twitch and her tails suddenly froze, she stopped dead in her tracks. She looked up and her eyes widened in surprise. I looked up, too. I saw a blue orb descending from the sky. It landed in front of us and made a blinding flash. I covered both my eyes and Tenshi's. When I uncovered our eyes, I saw a woman a little taller than Tenshi with long, flowing, blue hair and a sparkling blue dress that touched the ground. She wore a tiara with a large sapphire in the center. There was a Triforce under the sapphire and I immediately recognized her as the Goddess of Wisdom, Nayru.

"Shiro Kage...", she said.

"That's who I am...", I responded, "What do you need, ma'am?"

"We need you, this is urgent..." Tenshi clung to my arm and looked up at me, nodding.

"Very well..." Nayru started flying straight upwards, and I followed. I flew up next to her.

"What's happening?", I asked.

"It's Din...", she responded, "She let Ganondorf into our realm and he's taken over..."

"You're the goddesses who made Hyrule, can't you stop him?"

"We put our power into the Triforce... We can't fight back since he has a piece..."


"However, you haven't created a Triforce, so all of your power is intact..."

"Why should I help your realm?"

"Because you hate Ganondorf... I don't know if  you're aware of this or not, but he was the one who ordered the death of your parents..."

The second I heard that my eyes turned white. My markings began to glow and a white aura formed around me. I started flying close to light-speed. Nayru struggled to catch up. I landed outside of a golden palace. I saw a woman who looked extremely similar to Nayru, but her hair and clothing were an emerald green. It had to be the Goddess of Courage, Farore. She had bruises on her cheeks and she held a sword in her hand. She was fighting. Nayru rushed over to Farore and healed her wounds. I saw a dark figure come out of the doors and into the light. The instant I saw the fiery red hair, the dark green skin, those bloodlusting, evil eyes, I knew I was facing Ganondorf. I felt rage build up even more within me. He looked at me and snickered.

"Oh, look at this...", he said, "Lord Oni of Hyrule has come to join us... He looks a lot more intimidating when he's not writhing in pain!" He laughed. I remained composed, giving him a hateful glare. He saw how little of a reaction his insult caused. He sneered.

"I see you're more of the strong, silent type... Like father like son, I guess..."

"You aren't getting out of this, Ganon... I'm killing you, right here, right now...", I finally responded.

"You have my permission to try..."

He drew a large sword with an upside down Hylian crest on it. I drew my Double Helix Blade, getting in a fighting stance. Ganon did the same. We stood there for a minute, waiting to see who would lunge first. I flew towards him with blazing speed and swiped at him. He used his sword to block my attack and swept out my legs. I did a flip over him and landed. I kicked him in the back with crushing force that launched him out of the palace. I flew after him and uppercut him into the air before he could touch the ground. I flew up after him, ready to cut right through him. He parried my attack and we engaged in a back-forth sword fighting for a minute or so. I hit him hard enough to knock his sword out of his hand. I hit him over the head with the hilt of my sword and flew down after him, ready to stab him. Before he could hit the ground, Nayru and Farore moved the Mirror of Twilight under him and pulled him through. I fell on top of it, breaking it.

"I almost had him...", I said.

Nayru scattered the pieces and said, "At least he's back in exile..... Hopefully for good this time....."

"Why didn't you let me kill him..."

"You have enough darkness inside you... We don't need you corrupted..."

I growled in response and returned home.

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