Chapter 22

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Before setting out on her mission, Skylar told Grace to wait in her bedroom until she had convinced Alex. She didn't want him to feel like he was being ganged up on.

"Babe..." Skylar drawled as she walked into the kitchen, where Alex was sitting, lost in his own thoughts. His head snapped up as she entered, a soft smile covering his troubled face before she could see it. Skylar smiled a smile that could outshine the sun as she walked over and behind his chair, leaning down and planting a soft kiss on his cheek. "How about we all go and do something fun today?" She suggested letting her arms hang over his shoulders, lacing her fingers together as he shook his head and chuckled softly.

"How could I say no to you?" He grinned and turned his head, giving her a peck on the lips, which led to more and more kisses, getting deeper every second as Alex brought his hands up to rest on her arms. 

Skylar was about to come around the chair to sit on his lap, when they both heard someone clearing their throat. Grace had walked into the room, wanting to know whether or not Skylar had convinced him yet. Alex and Skylar looked at the little girl  who promptly rolled her eyes at them as they both blushed and looked away from her. With a swift turn, Grace headed back into the bedroom, thinking she had embarrassed them enough.

Skylar tried to stifle her giggle, but before she knew it she was doubled over laughing. 

"What?" Alex gave her an why-the-hell-are-you-laughing look, which just made her laugh even harder. 

Calming down, she smiled, her eyes watery. "That little girl has just as much sass as you do." She replied, giving him a you-know-I'm-right wink as she circled around the chair, sitting on his lap sideways, looping her arm casually around his neck to rest on his other shoulder. He chuckled and his arms wrapped around her waist, his fingers entwining, trapping her in his arms. 

"Yes she does." He admitted, a big smile on his face that made his eyes glow with pride. "She's gonna be as much of a handful as you are one day." He teased, and she just rolled her eyes and kissed him. Suddenly, his hands let go of one another, one arm scooping under her knees the other around her back, standing up and carrying her bridal style into his bedroom. She blushed and rested her head against his chest. 

He laid her down on the bed and kissed her deeply, but she placed her hands against his chest and gently pushed him away. "Aren't we supposed to be getting ready to go and do something fun?" She reminded him, raising an eyebrow.

"This is fun." He argued, pouting cutely. She just rolled her eyes and slid out from underneath him. 

"Get dressed. I'll go make sure Grace is ready." She told him, leaving the room before he could distract her anymore. Grace was in the kitchen, sitting on a chair, swinging her legs as she stared out the window. She seemed troubled, just as Alex had before, and Skylar began to worry. "Is everything alright?" She asked Grace. 

It was obvious that Grace was about to say yes, but she changed her mind and told Skylar the truth. "I think Alex is planning on leaving." She admitted, sounding more mature than Skylar had ever imagined a little girl to sound. 

"Why do you think that?" Skylar sat down, afraid of her next words. What if he was and he just hadn't admitted it yet? 

Grace stared down at her tiny hands, which were folded delicately on her lap, before she spoke again. "He doesn't like it here." Skylar felt relieved in a way, but still a little nervous. That was the only reason that Grace thought that Alex was going to leave. It wasn't because she had solid evidence that he was planning a trip far away from here. 

"Well I'm sure that he would've told you if he had any plans on leaving, sweetheart." She told Grace, hugging her to make her feel better. Just then, Alex walked in, smiling as he saw his two favorite girls talking. He gave Skylar a peck on the lips and kissed the top of Grace's head. 

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