Chapter 1

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  I walked down the halls of Ellicott High and stopped at my locker. It was the day before Christmas break and I was more than ready to just get home and binge watch Christmas movies with Mark all day. It was something we always did on the first day of break, it was sort of a traditional thing.

  I had one class left, American Foundation. It was actually my favorite, not only was it my teacher, Ms. Donnelly, but I really enjoyed history. There was something about the way we grew from so little that interested me more than anything. I sat in my usual seat next to my best friend, Haillie. She was playing on her phone, but her face was unreadable from her usual happy-go-lucky self.

"You okay?" I asked her, but didn't receive an answer. She placed her phone down and looked down at her notebook. I snapped my fingers in front of her face.

  "I like someone." She simply said, not looking up at me. Why was she being so weird about this? Haillie knows she can tell me anything. We've always talked to each other about these things. "But if I tell you, you'd get mad."

  "Haillie, you know I'm going to support you no matter what. Who is it?"

  She sighed once the bell rung. Ms. Donnelly stood from her seat and began talking. Haillie wrote something on a piece of paper, folded it, and threw it at me when the teacher wasn't looking. I opened and saw her neat handwriting at the top of the page.

Mark. I like Mark.

  At first I was confused. My brother Mark? Of course it's him. Everytime they're together, they both get so giddy and nervous they barley say hi to each other. I wasn't oppose to the idea of my best friend and brother being together, but it would just take some time to get used to, obviously.

If it makes you happy, then I'm happy for you. You guys both deserve someone good :)

  I tossed the paper back to her and paid attention for the rest of class. I couldn't help but look over at Haillie, smiling widely as she read the paper.


  I walked into my house and smiled at the thought that Mark and I would be spending quality time together. Ever since he's gotten a following on social media, we haven't seen much of each other. Not even at school since he went online to focus on his career. I was happy for him, but I just missed him sometimes.

  "Hey, what do you want to watch first? I was thinking Elf, or mayb-" I began to ask when I heard him run down the steps. The sound of the door opening cut me off. On the other side stood a taller boy with shaggy brown hair. He wore a t shirt and shorts, which was odd for the cold Maryland weather. I couldn't help but notice the large tattoo of some sort of flower in a triangle just below the bend of his forearm.

  "Sorry, Madi. I'm going to have to cancel today, maybe tomorrow?" Mark asked with a weak smile.

  "Yea, sure." All I could do was nod in response. He closed the door after letting the other boy in.

  "Oh by the way, this is Bryce. He's a friend from school." Mark added, which made me tilt my head.

  "I've never seen you around." I asked and made my way over to them. He was much taller when I stood beside him. He was a giant compared to my 5'3 stature.

   "I only go for two classes in the morning. I do school-to-work, except my work is going home and filming for YouTube and stuff like that. The same stuff Mark does." Bryce spoke up. His voice was intriguing in an unexplainable way.

   I nodded before walking into the dinning room. The boys ran upstairs, but I couldn't help but look at Bryce. A smile crept onto my face, but I stopped myself quickly. I couldn't fall for my brothers friend.

   Or could I?

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