Chapter 14

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|Bryce's POV

     I walked up the steps to Madi's room and was greeted by a crying Madi. I went to ask her what was wrong, but nothing came out. She walked past me and down the steps. Then, a familiar voice yelled from her room.

     I was confused at what I saw next. The person came out of her room- or should I say, came out of her room (A/N; it's kind of like If I Stay, where the POV can't be seen, but can see everything that's going on. If that makes sense?). I watched myself walk down the steps and after Madi.

      I watched as Madi and I fought back and forth. We were fighting about Alyssa. God, why we're we fighting about her?

      "Madi, let's just forget about it! I mean, if you're overreacting over nothing, then let's just drop it!" I yelled as Madi whipped away her tears.

       "You cheated on me!" This isn't 'nothing', Bryce!" She yelled back as more tears rolled down her cheeks. Why wasn't I helping her calm down?

        "I didn't cheat on you! She came on to me, I stopped before anything could happen!"

          "Bullshit." She began to walk away, but I grabbed her wrist and turned her to face me. "Don't touch me." She whispered harshly.

          She shook out of my grip and backed away. "Bryce, I love you with all I have. I told you things Haillie doesn't even know; I trusted you. And to think, I thought you loved me back. Guess I was wrong. I should've been smarter than to fall in love with someone like you. I don't ever want to see you again, get out of my house!"

           Madi walked towards her back door, but before she could open the door, she disappeared.

-End Of Dream-

           I sat straight up, sweaty and in tears. I sighed and covered my face with my hands. I slammed my head back on my pillow and looked over at my clock. 12:45 A.M. I grabbed my phone and saw I got a message from Madi at 12:30.

           From: My Angel
             You still up?

            I unlocked my phone and quickly dialed her number.  It rang twice before she answered.

            "Hello my dear, Bryce." She giggled into the phone, causing me to smile. I prepared to tell her about my dream to only have my vision blurred due to my watery eyes.

            "I just had the worst dream," I began and sniffed. "We were fighting and you said you never wanted to see me. Then you disappeared out if now where. God, Madi, it was terrible."

            "Awh, Bryce, are you crying?" Sadness filled her voice.

            "Just a little bit." I chuckled and whipped my tears away.


            We talked for an hour after that, but then Madi said she was getting tired and needed sleep.

             "Alright, ill let you go. Goodnight, Angel." I said into the phone.

             "Ill see you later, Babe." She replied and yawned. We said our final goodbyes and hung up; but I didn't take the phone away from my ear. I kept it there, as if we were still speaking.

             "I love you."


Angel | Bryce HallWhere stories live. Discover now