Chapter 9

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|Madi's POV

      It was the night before Christmas Eve and Haillie was sleeping over for our annual Christmas sleep over. It was the night where we exchanged our presents, due to Haillie leaving to go to her grandparents tomorrow until New Years Eve.

     Haillie and I were currently wearing Christmas onsies as we were making some hot chocolate. I had on a Rudolph one with antlers on the hood and she had on a Santa one with a Santa hot. We looked ridiculous, but we didn't care.

     Mark came running downstairs and into the kitchen. He was out of breath and looked exhausted "I need your help."

     "With what?" I laughed as he raided the kitchen cabinets.

      "I need tape. I ran out of tape while trying to wrap Bryce's present, and I've been trying to wrap it for hours."
       I grabbed the tape that was clearly sitting on the Microsoft and handed it to him. He looked at me with wide eyes. "You found it that quick?!"

     "It's not like it wasn't sitting on the microwave or anything." I sarcastically said as the doorbell rang.

      "Shit! That's Bryce!" He said before running out of the kitchen.

      "Wait, why is Bryce here? I'm not complaining or anything, but I thought it was just going to be us?"

      "I thought it would be cool to invite Bryce over, so then we could have like a big party or something. Just stall him while I finish wrapping this!"

      I laughed softly and opened the door. Bryce stood there with snowflakes covering his hair. He had on a pair of joggers and a thin hoodie. He was carrying a bag of presents in his hand, too.

      "You cold?" I asked and let him inside.

      "Just a little." He chuckled and set the bag down. "You look cute by the way," I blushed as Haillie walked in. Bryce and Haillie haven't met yet, so this should be a fun experience.

      "Hi, I'm Bryce. You must be the famous Haillie," he said and smiled slightly.

      "And you must be the Bryce Madi goes on and o-" Haillie started to say, but I cut her off.

     "Okay, you can stop there, Sweetie." I laughed and pushed her playfully.

      We were all talking while waiting for Mark, and after about 15 minutes, he came down with an awfully wrapped present.

      "I couldn't wrap it, so I covered it with wrapping paper and taped it. Have fun, Bryce." He handed him the present and plopped on the couch. "Thank God I don't have to do this again until next year."

      I laughed and walked upstairs to get Mark's, Bryce's, and Haillie's presents. Haillie had hers hidden in one of the kitchen cabinets underneath the sink, knowing Mark would come looking for his.

     When I walked back down, everyone was sitting on the couches and I sat myself next to Haillie. Bryce and Mark came over and sat on the floor. How we usually did this was that one person gave someone their present and then it would go on to another person and so on. "Okay, who wants to go first?"  Haillie asked and looked at us.

     Mark raised his hand immediately and have us a big smile. I laughed and waved for him to go on. He grabbed Bryce's present and handed it to him.

     "That's going to take you a while, so someone else could go." He laughed as Bryce looked at the present weirdly. He began unwrapping as I grabbed Mark's present. I handed it to him as he looked in awe. He ripped it open and basically screamed.

     "Is this the new Call Of Duty?! (A/N: I know the game came out like 2 weeks ago, but for this story we're gonna say Christmas.) I thought it didn't come out until Christmas!?" He looked at me with an open mouth and wide eyes.

     "You see, Marcus, you have an absolutely amazing sister who happens to have a friend who works at Game Stop that gave her the game 2 days early." I explained, trying to be serious.

     He stood up and opened his arms. I hugged him as he tightened his grip and laughed. "Thank you so much." He let me go and sat back down on the floor. I sat next to Haillie again and looked at how far Bryce got in his present.

    "Okay, I got it!" He said, his voice filled with relief. He lifted up a black t-shirt and laughed. He turned it towards me, allowing me to read it. The shirt said, 'This Guy Loves Mark Thomas'. I laughed as he put it down and pulled out the next thing. They were a pair of joggers with a black and white paint splatter type pattern. "Dude, these are like the ones I ripped!" (A/N: If you get this, I love you.)

    "You told me how much you liked those pants, and when I saw them, I couldn't just let them pass by." Mark laughed at Bryce's face which hung down I'm awe.

    "Thank you, Mark." Bryce laughed and set them down with the shirt. They did a bro-high five thing, causing Haillie and I to laugh.

     Haillie then handed me three presents, two rectangular ones and a long circular one. I opened the circular one first and practically died when I read the sticker. It was a Shawn Mendes poster with the cover of Handwritten on it. I absolutely adored Shawn and Haillie knew that.

     "I haven't even seen the full thing yet, but im absolutely in love." I laughed and set it on the floor. I then opened up the smaller box and saw the logo for Ariana Grande's perfume. I have been dying for this, another thing Haillie knew.

      The last present was a hoodie with The Weekend's logo on it, I almost cried at the sight of it. After I thanked her, I gave her present. She loved everything and sat sniffing the perfume. I laughed as Bryce gave Mark his present. He gave him a hoodie I seen Bryce wear multiple times, he said it's so the could twin whenever the go out. I laughed as I got Bryce's present out.

       Bryce told me he loved everything from video games to the simple things. So I got him the new Destiny game and a watch. He instantly fell in love with the color of the watch. It was silver with a tint of blue to it. Haillie got Mark a few t shirts and a $75 gift card to Nike. He thanked her and gave her a hug.

      "Okay, Bryce and I are going to give you ladies our present together because I may or may not stole this idea from him." Mark declared and pulled out two little boxes. He handed me one and Haillie the other. Bryce handed me a box and another one to Haillie.  
      I opened Mark's first to see 3 Pandora charms for my Pandora bracelet. One was a pink M, another was a Christmas present, and then the last one was a music note. They were all so pretty, I thanked Mark and went onto Bryce's.

      When I opened it, I fell in love. It was a beautiful key necklace. The bottom of it read "The Key To My Heart."

      "Bryce this is absolutely beautiful!" I said and sat on the floor to hug him. I opened my arms for him. Instead of hugging me, he picked me up and ran outside. I laughed as I felt my feet hit the cold snow. I looked up to see a smiling Bryce. "Thank you so much, Bryce."

      Instead of replying, his hand touched my cheek. He smiled before placing his lips on mine.

      Have you ever kissed some and didn't want to stop? Yea, this kiss was that kind of kiss.

      Bryce pulled away and smiled. "You're welcome. Merry Christmas, Angel."





Angel | Bryce HallWhere stories live. Discover now