Chapter 20

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|Bryce's POV
   »1 Week Later«
       She was moving. Those were the only words running through my head. Was she leaving because I hurt her? God, why did I have to be so stupid.

       I talked to Mark about it, but there was nothing he could do. He didn't keep his promise; but I understood. He couldn't convince her to come back to me.

        So, here I sit; just lying in my bed and thinking about all the things I could do to get her to stay. There were so many things I could do, but none of them seemed like the right one. I then decided to do the simple thing; go over and apologize again. But this time, cut her off. Tell her I truly feel.

         I got up, put my shoes on, and walked to the front door. I decided to walk, to think about what I was going to say. I walked slowly, giving myself more time to think things through. Instantly, the perfect thing came into my head. I began jogging to Madi's house with a wide smile.

          I knocked on the door once I got there. About a minute later, Mark opened the door. Once his eyes met mine, his smile turned to a frown.

          "Bryce," He said quietly, sadness filled his voice.

          "I need to talk to her, I need to explain everythi-" Mid-sentence, I was cut off.



            "Madi's gone. She left last night."

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