Chapter 10

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|Madi's POV

Ah, New Years. What a wonderful time. And what makes this year better, I get to start the new year off with Bryce.

Bryce invited me to his family's annual New Years party. It was only going to be his parents, aunts, uncles, a few cousins, and possibly his brother. His brother was older and had his own family to care for, so no one sure of he would show up.

Bryce said to dress casual, there was no need to impress. So, I wore my hoodie with The Weeknd's logo on it, the one Haillie got me, a pair of light washed jeans, and tan Ugg boots. I also had on the necklace Bryce had gotten me, I actually never took it off except for showers.

I drove to Bryce's house and met him outside. He wore his usual joggers and hoodie.

"I'm just going to warn you now that you are going to be bombarded by children. All my cousins are between the ages of 4 and 13." He chuckled and took my hand in his.

"I love kids, so ill be good." I giggled as he opened the door. Immediately, about 4 kids ran up to us.

"Bryce's girlfriend is here!" A little girl squealed and put her hands on her cheeks. I could feel my cheeks get red. Bryce and I weren't dating, but the hand holding made it seem like it. Lisa, Bryce's mom, walked over to us and hugged me.

"How are you, my dear?" She asked politely and pulled away from our little hug. I started talking to a few of Bryce's family members. I sat on the floor and played with one of his little cousins, Mallory, and talked about Justin Bieber and One Direction with on of the older girls, Zoey when Bryce asked if I wanted to go outside.

Late night star gazing with Bryce was becoming one of my favorite things. It was a reoccurring event for the both of us, it never got old.

Bryce wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled my close to him. I wrapped my arms around his torso and smiled. He began to point out shapes and figures, then he said something that confused me.

"Do you see those words?" He pointed up somewhere. I tried to focus, but only couldn't see anything. I shook my head and told him no. "It says, will you be my girlfriend?"

I looked up at him. I smiled slightly. "What?"

"Will you be my girlfriend, Madi?" He bite his lip, which was extremely attractive.

Instead of replying, I stood on my toes and kissed his lips. I felt his lip curl into a smile and his hands went onto my hips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled away slightly. "I'm taking that as a yes," he chuckled and leaned his forehead on mine.

"3...2...1! Happy New Year!" We heard screams from inside the house.

"Happy New Year, Bryce." I smiled and hugged his torso.

"Happy New Year, Angel." He kissed my forehead and smiled.

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