Chapter 2

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Sitting all alone under an oak tree with my head sets on at the far end of the football field, where I normally sit and think, I heard a voice which I was familiar with but couldn't make out who it belonged to. I sighed as I heard the voice come closer and closer, not wanting to show that I wasn't listening to music I just looked forward not even turning to see who it was. "Hi" he said but I just remained in my possession but he started again "I know you can hear me and I know that you aren't listening to music like you want people to think" I turned to see who rudely interrupted my thoughts i gasped when I saw that it was none other than Stephan Fisher. I blinked several times to assure myself that I wasn't dreaming and that Stephan was really talking to me, he chuckled when he saw me " how did you know that I wasn't listening to music?" I asked, curiosity taking the best of me " you have been doing that for years now and one time I saw that your phone was on your lap but you had head sets on" he said. "Why didn't you think that maybe I was listening to my iPod then" I asked still curious and he replied like it was a rhetorical question " well i would have noticed if it was one" "riiiight" I said as I raised my left eyebrow. "So..." He started before looking away to the scenery, I chuckled lightly and did the same. "Can I have your numbers" he asked, looking nervous and i furrowed my eyebrows "what for I asked?" He ran his hand through his hair something I thought was cute and by the look on his face, he did it when he was embarrassed or uncomfortable but I was interrupted from my thought " numbers woman" he said and I grabbed his phone from his hands and punched in my numbers and he did the same with mine.

The last bell for the day rang and I snapped out of my head and started for the school door, heading to my locker to put away my books. A nervous looking Jimmy came my way, I raised my eyebrow at this and started " why do you look like you've just witnessed a murder" I said teasing him, he embraced me in a bear hug and his nerves eased " we have been looking all over for you, where have u been? You missed biology, lunch and art" I giggled and looked at him "breathe Jimmy! Breathe!" I said but continued " I was at my spot, I needed some time to think". A sigh of relief evident in his face "we thought that he came back" he said, " you guys worry too much! I'm fine" I said and he walked me to my car and opened the door for me, I smiled and went in my car.

A few minutes after I got home from school lying on my bed, my phone buzzed . I took it out of my pocket in looked at the screen surprised. No way in hell is this happening right now!! When he said he'll text me later I thought he was just joking but I guess he wasn't! Omf!!! But I was interrupted by another buzz so I decided to answer him.
Stephan: hey:) do you want to go get some lunch??
Izzy: hi! And no I can't I have a thing in a few minutes:( next time?
Stephan: oh okay:'( next time I guess
What are you doing?!? Text him back and tell him you will be there!!
Izzy: change of plans:D I will be there
Izzy: wait! Where are we getting lunch??
Stephan: I knew you'd come around:) and at my house if that's fine?
Izzy: I will be there in 10 minutes?
Stephan: can't wait;)

Omf!! What am I going to wear?! I can't go looking like this!! Argh!!
I looked through my closet and the only  nice thing I found was a pair of black skinny jeans, a t-shirt with the words 'I speak fluent in sarcasm' and my black and white Chuck Taylors. This will have to do for now*sigh* I need a quick make over like yesterday already.

I rushed down the stairs and went in my mom's office, she looked tense but I started nonetheless "hey mom. Erm well...can I go have lunch with a friend and I promise I won't be home late for dinner?" I asked looking slightly nervous. "Sure thing as long as it says just 'lunch' and take the key, I have to work late again" she said. After the incident, she was always home late but I couldn't blame her, I would too. "Is there anything else?" She asked, her attention on her laptop, "nope" I replied popping the p.

On my way to Stephan's house I couldn't help but be nervous why would the captain of the football team ask 'me' to have lunch with him? It doesn't make sense, I mean the only time guys talk to me is when they ask to copy my homework, which I always say no to of course. I stopped in his driveway and slowly breathed in and out, easing my nerves and got out of the car. A few seconds later I was standing in front of his door and knocked lightly on it. The door opened and I looked down, to my surprise Kyle stood in from of me and I looked down.  "What do you want?" He glared at me, but before I could answer Stephan walked in "hey! Glad you could make it"

The guy she never thought she'd fall for (ON HOLD FOR A WHILE) Where stories live. Discover now