Chapter 8

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Izzy's party outfit^

After we got home, Anthony helped me take some of my stuff to my room and helped me unpack. I have to admit that it was pretty nice of him to help me out.

He playfully nudges me in the shoulder and I looked at him "what was that for?" I raise an eyebrow while slightly chuckling.
"You were spaced out while I was talking to you"
"Oh sorry!" I look down slightly embarrassed.
"No it's ok really. So about the party are you coming?"
"I don't know. I'm just a bit tired and I don't like parties at all"
"Okay just think about it, you have a few hours to think about it" he sighs and leaves my room.

I sigh in frustration. Maybe I should go I mean there's nothing else I can do here. I quickly rush to Anthony's room, I shot the door open and he makes his way from the restroom with only his boxer briefs. I look away awkwardly and he laughs. I know it's wrong but he is hot for days! His abs are in place and very firm.
"You seem to trail off every time I'm with you, why is that exactly?"
"Oh well I just like thinking more than talking" I say embarrassed because he caught me staring. Omg! I hope I didn't drool. I quickly wipe my mouth but I wasn't drooling. Thank God!
"So what's up?"
"Oh yeah, I'm going to the party with you but only if Anna gets to come with"
He raises his eyebrow in confusion "oh Anna's my best friend"
"Oh her, I think she likes Rafael, I saw her staring at him one time." He laughs
"You have no idea, I'm heading to the mall if you wanna join?"
"Yeah, we can take my car because yours is well...too girly"
"I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that." I place my hand on my heart acting like I'm hurt and leave his room my chin held up high.

The ride to the mall was surprisingly eventful. We laughed and talked about our interest, trying to get to know each other better. Anthony is not such a bad guy after all. We continue arguing about which movies are the best, I tell him that romcoms are the best and he disagrees saying that horror movies are the best. Finally we get to the mall and I text Anna and tell her that I've arrived.

After a few minutes of looking around for Anna we finally find her and she waves at me.
"You're late" I hiss but she just brushes me off.
"I'm not late, I've been here for half an hour looking for outfits and I've found something that you might like."
Anthony clears his throat and I look over at him "oh sorry! Anthony this is my best friend Annabelle but everyone calls her Anna...and Anna this is my brother Anthony"
Anthony looks over at her and smiles "nice to meet you" he says holding out his hand.
"Nice to meet you too Anthony" she shakes his hands and I can see that she's blushing.
"Well this is getting really awkward for me so let's go before I gag" I say bluntly.
We make our way into forever 21 and a sales clerk comes up to us. She asks us what we're interested in, I tell her that I want high waisted shorts, a cute oversized floral printed button shirt and some cute flats and Anna tells her that she wants pretty much the same but instead of the oversized shirt, she wants an oversized sweater instead. The lady gets all our stuff in our sizes and she rings us up and we pay.

We all decided that we're hungry and we go into a Classic Italian restaurant to have lunch. We look at our menus and tell our waiter what we want. After a few minutes of Anna and Anthony gazing into each other's eyes, the waiter finally shows up with our food. Note to self: never introduce Anthony to my other friends.
"So guys" I clasp my hands together "we should hurry up so we can get ready on time for the party."
But they aren't paying attention to me at all. "Anns you're still sleeping over at my house right?" I say through gritted teeth. Well this is not going anywhere. I sigh deeply and eat my food. Most of lunch is spent by Anthony and Anna staring each other in their eyes and me fidgeting with my utensils. After lunch we head to the car and I end up sitting in the backseat.

The drive was pretty short and we finally got home and I had to drag Anna out of the car up to my room.
"Dude what the hell? You've been making oogly eyes with Anthony all day" I hiss but she just stays quiet.
"What?!" She snaps out of her trance.
"I said you look like the girls we always make fun of in movies and books" I say again but a bit louder this time.
"Oh sorry but I think I'm in love" she says as she holds her heart.
"Yeah like you were in love with Enrique, Paul, Jean and Rafeal?" I say raising a questionable eyebrow.
"No this time I think it's really, I think I like Anthony."
I growl in frustration and head to the shower. I put on a rob after my shower and head to my mirror to put on some make-up Kyle is going to be there and I want to look good. Argh! He's being his usual dick self again though.

After an hour of getting ready we walk down the stairs and go into the living room. We find Abby and Antonio cuddling on the couch watching tv "hey! We're going to a party but I promise I won't drink and we'll come home before midnight"
Antonio looks at us and nods "have fun but responsible fun and keep an eye on Anthony will ya?" Abby says.
"Mom!!" Anthony glares at Abby and looks over to Anna and says "I can take care of myself "  And I just laugh and walk to the car while pulling Anna to go with me.

Just like earlier she sits in the front seat and I'm at the back. I'm gonna have to accept that I'll always sit in the back. I hate them! We leave the house and after a few minutes we arrive at at a double story house filled with a lot of teenagers on the lawn as well as red cups. I hate parties! We get out of the car and head inside the house. "Welcome to my house" a familiar voice says from behind us and we turn to find Garret.

The guy she never thought she'd fall for (ON HOLD FOR A WHILE) Where stories live. Discover now