Chapter 7

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Kyle's POV:

I can't help but think how cute she looks when she's asleep...omt! I think I'm falling for her, I can't! I can't let my guard down for a girl...for her.. I just can't! People will think I've lost it or worse they'll think I've gotten soft and I don't want them to think that. Yeah I admit that it's true but still.

Not after a while she wakes up with a small smile on her face and I can't help but smile two.

"Morning" I say
"OMG! I can't believe I slept here, my dad's going to kill me! Omg! Anthony's going to kill me!" She said puzzled while rushing to the door "I'm sorry but this was a mistake, I have to go"

With that she left. I felt a strange feeling, a foreign feeling I've never felt.
You're in love dumbass the little voice in the back of my head said. But I can't be in love with her, not because I didn't want to but because it was just so sudden and not to mention wrong. Her family hates me and she hates me.

Okay I need to brush all of these crazy thoughts from my mind and focus on what's really important. Me.

Izzy's POV:

I took a cab back home, replaying everything that happened. We were close, too close and I can't let that happen again. But I can't help the feeling that's consuming my heart right now. I think I might be in love with Kyle.

I brushed out all of the thoughts as the cab parked near my house. I paid him and said thanks before heading to the front door, preparing for the worst that could possibly come. I opened the door as quiet as I could and tip toed passed the living room. Before I could reach the stairs a voice startled me from behind and I turned to see Anthony.

"Where the hell have you been?! Do you know how worried my parents were?! We looked everywhere for you!" He whispered-yelled
"Oh morning Anthony, how are you? Oh I'm good thanks for asking" I said sarcastically ignoring the fact that he said his parents and not our parents. Yeah I angry at Antonio but he could have just said we but this is Anthony, he's an asshole.
"Don't play games with me, I'm not your friend! Where the hell were you?!"

"It's non of your business what I do with my life, you are not the boss of me, nobody is!" I shouted

"You were with him weren't you?! You slept with him didn't you?! I can see it written all over your face. Couldn't you just keep it in your skirt for once in your life" He said disgust evident on his face.
"No I didn't sleep with him!! I would never let my guard down and when did you even start caring?"
"What the hell is with all this noise?" Antonio shouted while walking in the living room. "And you.. Where the hell were you?" He turned his attention to me .

I shrugged "I went to sleep over at Anna's house" and turned on my heel attempting to leave but Antonio grabbed my wrist before I could leave.
"You should have told us before you left damnit! " his voice more stern.

"How could she possibly because you know how she is when she's with Kyle" Anthony said with an evil smirk on his face. Antonio raised an eyebrow  and looked towards me "I thought I made it clear that you were not to see him"

"Well I did, shoot me then!" I said pulling my hand away from Antonio's grip and walked out of the room. I headed for the stairs and went into my room and locked the door once I was inside. I groaned in frustration as I started for the shower. After I got dressed I took my phone and dialed the first person who came to mind. Anna.
"Hello?" Anna half-yawned and half-said.
"Hey Anns, I'm so sorry I thought you'd be awake I'll-"
She interrupted me "no no it's okay, I was about to get out of bed anyway. What's up?" She said casually.
"I slept over at Kyle's last night and-"

"You slept over at Kyle's house?! I thought you hated him?" She said the last words more like a question instead of a statement.
"Yeah I thought so too but he's really been there for me since my mom, you know and last night he was so nice and so I forgave him for everything" I sniffed.

"So details about last night!" She squealed. "Don't leave out anything!"

I chuckled at the phone and told her everything from the day my mom passed to this morning. But leaving out the part that I like Kyle of course.

"Omt! Anthony's such a dick! How dare he say that!" Anna exclaimed through the phone "And Antonio? Wow Iz. I'm here for you hey? My mom says you can come live with us any time"

"No no, it's okay. I can handle it and I promise if it becomes too much for me I'll pack up" I assured her.
We said our goodbyes and hung up the phone. I walked out of my room,went down the stairs and left the house. I started walking to my house to get the rest of my stuff and my baby, my car. 2 minutes in my walk I stopped in my tracks realizing that someone has been calling me and I turned to find Anthony. I sighed and kept walking but he caught up to me.
"Hey I've been calling out for you you know?" He said while he stood in front of me.

"I didn't hear you, oh and sorry I didn't tell anyone where I was going." I said sarcastically.

"Em I know you think we're not giving you some privacy or anything but we have rules and you can't just break them." He said softly.

I raised an eyebrow at his words "yeah I'll try not to break the rules like you when Garret was over studying"

He chuckled and I raised an eyebrow "did I say something funny?" I asked.

"No it's just that I've never met someone so stubborn and so sarcastic as you and it's refreshing"

I threw my head back and laughed. Okay so does everyone in this town have bipolar or something? "Yeah I guess it is" I said awkwardly.

The walk to my house was so awkward and uncomfortable that I couldn't help but scroll through my phone. I decided to text Kyle.
Hey! Had a great time, thanks for everything-Izzy
I smiled at the message before sending it and after a few seconds my phone buzzed.
It was nothing! Don't mention it-Kyle
Well that was rude! What was I thinking, Kyle will never EVER change.

Anthony nudged me in my shoulder lightly "who were you texting?" I looked up at him "that is if you don't mind telling me" 

I sighed heavily "it's was Kyle, don't get mad coz we aren't together or anything. You were right."  I looked down slightly sad.

He lifted my chin with his hands to level our gaze "I'm sorry, I should have protected you the first day we met."

I just nodded and he removed his hand from my chin "we're here!" He said and we headed towards the gate and went inside. I got all my stuff, packed them in my car and we headed back to my new home.

The guy she never thought she'd fall for (ON HOLD FOR A WHILE) Where stories live. Discover now