Chapter 9

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Anna's party outfit^

"Well don't just stand there, come in!"
"Thanks for having us" I stated politely.
"Go wild but not too wild and if you're too turned up you can use the rooms up stairs except the locked one and the one that has a don't disturb sign"
"What if it's the only free one?" I said confused.
"Oh well then you will have to go home I guess."
"What if we're too drunk and can't even drive?"
"Then don't drink"

When we got in the house, the music was so loud your ears would bleed and to top it all Anna and Anthony abandoned me, now I'm all alone in a huge house full of drunk teenagers. I looked around the house so that I don't get lost or when he returns. My thoughts were interrupted by none other than Kyle. Jerk!
"Hey about the other day"
"No no, it's ok I understand"
"No Izz it's not ok, I was frustrated and you just left. I've never felt this way before about anyone. I like you Izz and I know you like me too."
"Kyle maybe I do, maybe I don't ok. I don't know if I can deal with you, I can't keep up. It's like you've got bipolar or something, today you're nice, tomorrow you're an ass. Yeah I like you but I can't be with you."
"I'll try to change I promise"
"Don't make promises you can't even keep"
"I will please"
*sigh* "ok I'll give us a try"
He leaned in, closed his eyes and tilted his head. I swear my heart might have skipped a beat. Our lips touched and it was magical, I couldn't believe it finally happened. Kyle and I finally kissed, I don't want this moment to end but it did. *sigh*

Who the hell just stole my moment, oh yeah of course it's Garret.
"Bro I don't think Anthony will like this one bit."
"We're fine with it. If they kick her out then she'll move in with me. Right babe?"
"Yeah of course"
With that we went to the dance floor and danced like nobody's watching. It was fun to finally have Kyle, he's everything I've ever wanted.
"Babe I really need to use the restroom"
"Do you want me to walk you?"
"No it's ok, I know where it is"
I hugged him and started for the restroom.

Once I reached the door and placed my hand on the knob huge hands pulled me away from the door. One around my waist and one over my mouth, I tried screaming but it was no use because no one would hear me over this much noise. I cried while trying to escape from his grasp but I couldn't he was too strong.
"You thought I wouldn't find you?" I could hear his smirk while he said those words so I cried more and then everything went black. After what felt like hours I woke up in the back of a van. Oh yeah I'm dead now. I couldn't move because he had tied me up and taped my mouth. Tears rushed down my face within seconds. Just when I find love and want to live he shows up. Thanks a lot karma.

The guy she never thought she'd fall for (ON HOLD FOR A WHILE) Where stories live. Discover now