Chapter 3

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"Hey! Glad you could make it"

"Yeah I had nothing else going on for the day" I said with a gentle smile as I glared at Kyle, "dude I thought you said it was going to be just us bros, so what's with the bitch?" He said and I shot him a death glare "yeah Stephan what's with the bitch?" I said pointing at Kyle and he took a step closer to me, I hesitated before taking one forward myself "seeing you at school is enough torture for a guy so run along and go play with your dollies" I laughed sarcastically and raised an eyebrow "sorry but I don't speak idiot" I said confidence evident in my voice and embraced Stephan in a hug and he returned one. "Can I come in?" I said politely and he moved from the door "yes you may". I stepped in, following him suit and we reached his living room.

I got strange looks from his friends, probably asking themselves why a girl was there, I looked at Stephan and he started "guys this is Bella" pointing at me "it's Izzy actually and not Bella" I looked at him and playfully glared. One guy with a strange haircut that worked for him perfectly, with blueish-greenish eyes and a smile that made my cheeks turn pink stood up and started "I'm Jaundrè and I'm pretty sure you know Kyle and Rafael by now and there at the far end is Anthony and Garret" he said with a smile on his face. I noticed that Anthony didn't even bother looking away from his phone "wow! Rude much" I murmured to myself hoping that nobody heard me but Stephan did and chuckled. "Hey sit down, do you like video games?" He asked pointing at the tv "oh yeah! I mean which girl doesn't like video games?" I furrowed my eyebrows in a sarcastic tone but he looked at me and chuckled.

I sat there watching them play their games and thought to myself how is it possible for all of them to be so hot, no flaw evident at all! And why would they want to hang out with me, I'm the most boring girl in school! I mean I barely even go out what so ever but my thoughts were interrupted as Stephan snapped his fingers in front of my eyes " earth to Bella??" I couldn't help but love the way my name rolled off his tongue not now Izzy!! I cursed to myself. "Mmm?? What was that??" I said totally confused "you are hopeless" a voice said, I looked up to see who it belonged to and to my surprise it belonged to none other than Anthony, I glared at him "fuck off asshole!" I snapped and stood from the couch making my way to the door "don't leave please" Stephan said sadness evident in his voice and I sighed heavily "where is your restroom?? I just need some fresh air" . He pointed upstairs " the second room on the left" and I left the room in a second.

I came back from the restroom and entered the living room. I sighed as I saw that the boys have left me all alone in a stranger's house why am I not surprised! It was pretty obvious that they all planned this, how could I have trusted them? Okay to be fair I only trusted Stephan but still he left me and I couldn't help but think that the only reason he invited me over was to carry out his plan!

I shook my head, put on my head sets and left, I couldn't stay in a stranger's house and think that maybe I was wrong. I just couldn't take that chance for all I know it could belong to a rapist and I certainly did not wanna take my chances. I got home 20 minutes later and marched straight to my room, locked the door and slid down holding my knees at my chest and cried. I shook my head and went to clear my mind in the shower. After I took a shower, I changed into my boxer shorts and an oversized shirt and slipped into bed but before I could close my eyes my phone buzzed. I ignored it and closed my eyes but it buzzed again and again. I opened my eyes in frustration and unlocked my phone and started to read my texts, they were all from Stephan.
Stephan: hey, why did you leave? I thought you were going to the rest room:(
Stephan: it was Kyle wasn't it? Yes he can be an asshole sometimes but he meant well
Stephan: I'm starting to think you are mad at me:'(
Stephan: omt! Did you suddenly die?
Stephan: come on Bella stop playing
Stephan: okay:( goodnight I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow?
Stephan: please just indicate to me that you are safe. I mean I don't want the cops to be at my house and ask me questions
Stephan: ok what did I do wrong?!
Stephan: ok I'm sorry for snapping at you but please just text me back
Izzy: omf! Would you just stop and start owning up to what you did!! Stop texting me! I need to sleep so I can't get late okay?!? And to think that I trusted you:(
And then I placed my phone on the night stand and fell asleep.

Morning came after what felt like an hour of sleep so I woke up and headed straight to the shower. Stepped out and reached for my rob and headed to the mirror. I brushed my teeth and fixed my hair into a slightly messy bun and applied mascara and eyeliner. Put on some clothes and headed downstairs to get breakfast but something seemed of with this, I looked around where is mom?! I panicked! She never wakes up late so where could she be?

I ran to her bedroom and then to her office but I found nothing. I took my phone out and started punching in numbers with tears in my eyes but I was interrupted by a knock on the door. I wiped my face and went to the door and opened it after inhaling in. A tall policeman stood in front of me and looked at me "excuse me miss but are you Izzabella Perez??" Tears started falling from my eyes because I couldn't hold them in anymore but I answered him regardless "yes I am Izzabella Perez" . He took of his hat " I am sorry miss but your mother was involved in an accident and now she's in the hospital" I cried even more and nodded at him showing that I understand as I took my car keys from the table.

As I locked the front door I felt I shadow over me and I quickly wiped my eyes before turning to see who it was. I rolled my eyes as I saw the it was Kyle and he raised in eyebrow at my expression. "Please Kyle, don't start! Not today" I stated but he looked at me why was he looking at me like that? Oh shit! Argh! It must be because of my red eyes! I sighed and tried to walk away "what's wrong Iz?" Iz I love it! Hey!! Now is not the time to daydream! I snapped out of my thought "what does it matter?" I said challenging him " well..." He said " you look like hell and I was curious" I sighed at the thought of my mom lying in a hospital bed " not that it's any of your business m-my m-mom" I stuttered, tears falling down my face again and he stepped closer and embraced me into his warm bear hug and I hugged him back. I couldn't help but notice how warm it was and how right it felt to be in his arms but he pulled away, wiping my tears with his thumbs "what about your mom?" I sighed something I got too fond of ever since he moved here "she got in an accident last night and is now in the hospital" I said with tears forming in my eyes but I pushed them back to be honest Kyle has seen enough crying for one day. "I can take you there if you want" and I nodded in agreement. He let me to his brand new car and left after we both got inside.

The guy she never thought she'd fall for (ON HOLD FOR A WHILE) Where stories live. Discover now