Chapter 14

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How dare he guilt trip me like that. He knew that mom was gone and I started liking Abby. This is why I ran away in the first place.
You know it was because of Kyle

Argh! I hate you!

So basically you hate yourself

Argh! Make it stop!!

So I decided to call Garret and invite him over for some coffee since it started pouring outside. After about 5 minutes there was a knock on my door and I rushed over to reveal Garret.

"Hi" I mumbled, opening the door wider so he can come in.

But instead he just crashed his lips on mine. At first I was taken aback but seconds later I kissed him back. It was rough, yet gentle and passionate. We both pulled back, resting our foreheads against each other's, to catch our breath. A small smile made its way on his face and I turned away awkwardly because I was blushing.

We both made our way to the island stools and he sat down while I made coffee. We had our coffee in silence for a few minutes until he broke it.

"So are you coming back with me?"

"Yeah but not right away...I still need to prepare myself to meet Kyle because of how we left things between us."

Garret frowned and mumbled an "oh" and started fidgeting with the hem of his hoodie. I couldn't help but notice how good he looked with his beautiful eyes, blonde quiff and his beautiful smile that could light up my entire day. Okay! What the hell is happening to me? Since when did I find Garret attractive.

After a few moments of silence, I decided to break it. "So Garret I've been thinking and I thought that maybe we can go home tomorrow" I shrugged.

Garret raised a questioning eyebrow " sure thing! Do you want me to help you pack?"

"Yeah I guess" wow! That was smart!
I hate my conscious sometimes, actually all the time.

So we headed to my room and packed over unspoken words. By the time we finished packing it was already late so I thought I should ask Garret to spend the night and he said yes so we ordered pizza. We had a great time eating pizza and watching Teen Wolf of Netflix.

When we finally decided that it was late enough to go to sleep, I remembered that I only had one bedroom so that fucking way!
You know we have a couch right??
Wow! I honestly get stupid everyday.

So Garret slept on the couch while I slept in my room. Yeah me and him are 'closer' now but I'd rather sleep alone. He could be some psycho killer for all I know.

Morning came, we both took turns in showering and getting ready to leave. We had breakfast and we headed to the bank but stopped at my landlord's house to pay for my rent for the month. I transferred all my money from Italy to my American account. And finally we got to the airport, bought our tickets and waited.

The wait was slightly uncomfortable, one because Garret kept staring at me and two the guy on my left kept flirting with me. I just kept laughing at his stupid and cheesy pickup lines until we had to go on our plane.

After hours of flying we finally landed and we got off the plane and went to claim our luggage.

"Erm I'll call your brother to come fetch us or if you'd rather have a cab take us home then I'll call it" Garret stated running a hand through his cute blonde quiff.

But before I could answer him a voice caught our attention. To be more clear. Kyle's voice.
"Izzy oh my god! I'm so happy you're back. I've been missing you so much and I'm sorry for hurting you. I love you babe" Kyle exclaimed kissing me on the cheek.

I pulled away and snorted "I'm sorry but I'm with Garret now"  and looked over to Garret "I think a cab will be faster. Let's ditch this douche"

If he thinks he can come in and out my life whenever he feels like it than he must be some kind of crazy. I'm not some dumb bimbo he can order around because I want his attention. I'm done with him. DONE!

You would have done it a few months ago.

Oh you! Just shut the fuck up for once

The guy she never thought she'd fall for (ON HOLD FOR A WHILE) Where stories live. Discover now