Chapter 4

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The car ride to the hospital was uncomfortably quiet, I couldn't help but think why was Kyle at my house in the first place!? I mean it makes no sense at all. How does he know that I live there? "Stephan said you were mad at him and I wanted to apologize for my behavior plus I wanted to ask you why you left?" He said the last words with his eyebrow raised.
" I'm mad because you assholes ditched me!" I said while crossing my arms. "Couldn't y'all's just leave a note or something but no y'all didn't even bother" he chuckled, his eyes never leaving the road.
Well I'm glad you find it funny!
"We never left you, we went downstairs in the basement, our man cave" he chuckled one more time
"Oh" I looked down with embarrassment "but someone should have told me then"
"Ok I'll admit! Stephan sent me to go get you but I went to get water instead" he shrugged.
"Omf ! You are unfucken believable! " my blood started to boil so he turned on the ac.

We arrived at the hospital and parked the car near the door while I rushed out and ran inside the building and he followed suit. I went over to the checking point "good morning miss, is there by any chance I can go see my mom"
The lady looked at me "name please?" She said with a forced smile.
"Her name is Alexis Violet Perez"
Her eyes started to tear up "erm sorry miss but your mom passed a few minutes ago. Your dad is with her so you can go see her"
I looked down and tears seeped down my face "no it's ok, I-I wait for him to l-leave" I stuttered.
Kyle pulled me into a hug "why don't you want to see your dad?" He said curiously.
"He is not my..." But before I could finish, I was interrupted by a voice "I'm your dad Em whether you like it or not" I shot him a glare "don't ever call me that! I'm not Emily!" He stepped closer to us "come see your mom and stop acting like a bitch!" Kyle stepped in front of me and pushed him away.
He laughed sarcastically "oh so your boyfriend is protecting you now" he continued laughing and grabbed my wrist "we are going home!" He said.
"Leave her alone, she doesn't want to go with you! Can't you see that you're hurting her?!" Kyle started, I looked up at him "no Kyle it's ok, I'll see you at school in a week" and I walked towards Antonio, my father.
Saying father to that man makes me sick to my stomach!

Antonio and I left Kyle inside and drove to my house. After a long and silent drive home, he parked the car in the drive way and turned off the ignition. "Get your stuff, you're coming home with me" before I could answer him my phone rang and I answered without bothering to see who it was.
"Hello..??" I started and a familiar voice spoke "hi! It's Stephan, Kyle told me what happened and I'm terribly sorry about your mom" but I brushed him off "no it's ok, I'm fine and I'm sorry for yesterday but I have to leave now bye!" And I hung up before he even replied.

I walked into my room and started packing my clothes my purple suitcase. I removed all the pictures of me and my mom traveling from the wall and put the in my memory chest. Antonio walked in "hurry up! Anthony's car broke down and he asked me to come fetch him" my heart stopped for a few seconds and my mouth and eyes were wide open "who is Anthony?"
He looked at me "my son". I took my stuff and left the room. By Anthony I hope he doesn't mean Anthony the guy I liked for 3 years now! Wow I sound like I'm some creepy stalker fan girl.
"Are you coming?" A voice broke me away from my thoughts. "It's not like I have a choice" I said as I went down the stairs and reached the front door. He opened the door, we both went out and he locked it as I went to place my stuff in the trunk of his car.
"Take the back seat, Abby is going to sit in front with me, we have to go fetch her too" I rolled my eyes and opened the back door and went in. He went in and we left. I put my head sets in my ears.

We stopped at a large building "I'll be back in a second" I just rolled my eyes and looked to the window. After seven minutes he came out of the building with a gorgeous woman huh so that must be the famous Abby.
I smiled at her as she climbed in and she returned a warmer and more welcoming smile. Of course she's a nice person! Argh!
"Hey Emily I'm Abby, your dad's wife" her smile grow bigger. "Oh hey I know, he told me" I said with a forced smile. She looked to the front and the car left. In less than 20 minutes we reach the school, my school. I sighed as I saw Anthony open the door, his mouth shot wide open like he just saw a ghost. "Dad who is this?" He asked while running his fingers through his hair.
"Oh son that's Emily, your sister" he answered. "I'm not his sister" I muttered to myself and instantly regretting it as Abby looked at me. "I know who he is, we have English and biology together"
"Oh're the girl from Stephan's house right?" I rolled my eyes "yeah, that's me" I forced on a smile. He got in and sat next to me "dad Garret and I have to study for our biology test so can he come with?" He said while he looked at me, I nervously looked away facing the window.
"Yeah sure son, since you all take biology Em will study with you two. I heard she's an A student" I sighed " Ok I'll study with them." Garret got in next to him and we left.

We had to make a stop at a convenient store because Aunt Flow decided to visit. I mentally slapped myself for not remembering to bring my toiletries. But after 2 minutes we headed straight home. Antonio parked the car in the driveway and we all exited it. On my way to my new room my phone buzzed
Unknown: I took your numbers from Stephan, I hope you don't mind .
Unknown: oh and it's Kyle
I saved the numbers
Izzy: yeah I don't mind
Kyle: are you ok? Do you need me to come fetch you? Text me if you need anything
Izzy: I'm fine thanks, just have a lot of unpacking to do. I can handle it though
Kyle: I'll call you later?
Izzy: yeah ok bye!:)
I locked my phone and went in my room, it was a light shade of pink and had a suit restroom. I unpacked my clothes, packed them in my closet and headed to the restroom to take a quick shower. After a few minutes I got out of the shower, wrapped myself with a towel and dried my hair. I quickly changed as I remembered that I have to study with the two idiots downstairs.

The guy she never thought she'd fall for (ON HOLD FOR A WHILE) Where stories live. Discover now