Chapter 12

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I woke up at 12pm, I'm surprised no one came to wake me up. I made my bed and headed straight to the shower. Dried myself up and applied make-up. I needed to hide my scars and burns. To be honest I don't want anyone asking me what happened again.

I went to Abby's room to ask her for some cash and my car keys.
"Hey Abbz! Do you have a second?"

"Sure sweetie! What's up?"

"Can I have my car keys and some cash, Garret wants us to have coffee"

"Honey Antonio doesn't want you driving after what happened so he found you a driver because I told him that you and Anthony aren't on good terms."

I embraced her into a hug "thanks mom...I mean Abby" I scratched the back of my neck.

"Oh baby it's ok if you call me mom"

"Oh cool! Thanks mom, bye now" I embraced her into another hug and left her room.

I opened the front door and saw a man holding the backseat door open for me. That must be my new driver Alfred. We said our hellos, I told him where I wanted to go and we took off.

We stopped at Starbucks, I told him I'll call him to come fetch me and said goodbye. Once I opened the door, I looked around and spotted Garret sitting at a corner booth near the window. I stood in line and when I was finally my turn, I placed my order and headed towards Garret.

I sat down in a chair opposite from his. I am not sharing a seat with that bastard! Not today!
"So what do you want?" I spat looking out the window. That's why I love sitting near windows.

"Izzy I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry and that I feel bad for taking advantage of you. Please forgive me"

"No Garret! You shouldn't have done that in the first place. You knew I had a hectic week and that I just broke up with Kyle. I was hurt and vulnerable and you took advantage. So no I won't forgive you!"
"Izzy Perez your cupachino" 

"Bye Garret!"

"Izzy! I love you" he whispered

I turned on my heels in shock "what did you say?"

"I love you Iz, always have and always will."

"Garret please not today" and with that I left.

On my way home I couldn't help but think of what Garret told me. Did he really mean it or was he just messing with me? Argh! I hate Anthony and his friends. Anna needs to know this shit.

I parked in front of her house and headed to the door. Rang the doorbell a few times and it shot open. What the fuck is Anthony doing here?!? Don't panic!
"Anthony what are you doing here?"

"Me and Anna are dating now and we're on our way out."

"Oh have fun then!" I said through gritted teeth.

This is way I loved being the only kid, I never had to share my friends with anyone. Wonder if Abby's home yet. After a few minutes I parked in front of Kyle's house.

Before I could even knock Kyle opened the door. He looked shocked to see me and so did the girl holding hands with him.
"Oh babe this is Izzy, Anthony's twin sister."

Did he just call her babe, we haven't even been separated for 24 hours and he already has a new girl! Should've listened to Anthony. I hate Kyle!

"So Izz what did you want?"

"Oh nothing at all" well this is rather awkward.

"If you don't mind Kyle and I were kinda busy so" she said bluntly.

"Oh well bye then! Y'all have fun now."

I need to call Abby! I need motherly love and advice. I need someone who'll understand me. Anyone! I hate my life, I hate my family, I hate everything!

Alfred dropped me off at home and I told him not to leave because I need him to take me somewhere. I went inside, got to my room and started packing everything that's important to me. There's no way in hell I'm staying here with these people. I just can't handle this anymore!

I asked Alfred to drop me off at the airport, bought the tickets online while we drove to the airport. Once we got to the airport, I went inside and waited for my plane. It was time for me to leave and before I could leave Garret run towards me and grasped my forearm.

"Leave me the fuck alone Garret! My plane is leaving!" I shouted

"You're not going anywhere Iz please don't leave. You have your family and friends who need you here"

"The only person I need doesn't need me." I held both sides of his shoulders and shook him " I NEED Kyle Garret and he has another girl" with that I started crying into his chest. Ohhk I've turned into Bella now.

"You don't need him! You don't need a guy to feel good about yourself. You're beautiful just the way you are."

"Leave with me! We can leave together and start fresh"

The guy she never thought she'd fall for (ON HOLD FOR A WHILE) Where stories live. Discover now