Chapter 15

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Garret's POV:

Yeah I really like Izzy but I'm seeing someone else right now. I couldn't wait for her that long, I had a life too.

"Wow Izz I'm flattered but I'm kinda seeing someone at the moment but we can still be friends?" I trailed of stating in a question rather than a statement whilst scratching the back of my neck awkwardly.

Next thing I know she's laughing...clutching her stomach while gasping for air. I just stood there with a confused expression on my face. I don't get the joke.

She cleared her throat and wiped the few tears from her eyes" well that was rather funny. Don't get me wrong you're quite a catch but I just said that to get Kyle of my back."

I just stared her like she just grew two heads. Did she not feel the spark between us when we kissed? Of course she didn't you twat. What did you think? This is not some stupid romcom this is reality.

"There's a cab! Are you coming?" I asked her

Izzy's POV:

"Oh yeah. Go on without me, I'll catch a ride with Anthony or dad."  I told him. All that mumbo jumbo bout it being to get Kyle of my back was a lie, but he doesn't know so I'm okay with that.

The saddest thing about all of this is the fact that I started developing feelings for him. I should've known but I didn't and it sucks ass.

So after I parted ways with Garret I decided to go to a coffee shop to think things through. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing. It was Stephan!! Thought he forgot me.


"Hey Izz! Heard you were back in town"

"Yeah I am. Just landed. Hey wanna go catch a movie and dinner tomorrow?"
While I waited for an answer I couldn't stop chanting please say yes over and over again.

"Yeah of course! I'd love to, pick you up at 8?"

He said yes!!! "Psssht of course. Oh and can you please come fetch me at the airport?"

"Yeah yeah. I'll be there in 10."

"Oh thank you so much, I'll be at the front. Bye!"


After 20 minutes of waiting upfront, Stephan rolled up in front of me and I hopped in.

"Hey there" Stephan said once i fastened my seatbelt.

I looked up at him and smiled "hey" I turned away slightly flushed. I hope he didn't see that.

Stephan started to leave the airport and muttered a 'cute'. I just looked out the window and admired the scenery. It's so good to be back home. I missed my family so much, can't believe I survived 6 months on my own. Who would've thought?

We finally pulled up at my house and I turned towards Steph "thanks for the ride. See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah yeah. Uhm do you wanna go get some ice cream later today?" He said scratching the back of his head.

"I'd love to but I thought I would go meet up with Anna. Apparently she's with Rafael."

"Yeah since 2 months after you left. I always knew they'd end up together."

"I know right! I'm so happy for her."

"Yeah. Ok I'm just gonna say this and get it over with. Izzy I really-

Before he could finish his sentence, dad opened my door for me " are you coming or you just gon spend the night camped out here."

Well this just got weird. "Yeah yeah! I'll be there in a minute."
I looked over at Steph " continue"

After dad left us alone. Finally Steph looked so awkwarded out, he was fidgeting with his fingers, eyes never meeting mine and his cheeks were a deep Crimson color. Wow what could make him this nervous?

" uhm Izzy I've been meaning to tell you." He took a deep breath and continued " I really really like you like I like you a lot. I've always liked you since junior high but didn't know how to tell you."

Right at the moment my breathe hitched and I opened the door, closed it after I got out and ran straight to my house and to my room. And started crying. I honestly don't know why I was crying but I was and nothing could help at this moment. Maybe you shouldn't have stop taking your meds.

Argh! I'm done with this bullshit! 

Author's Note:

Omg! Been a while! Sorry for being MIA, the hollies have been tough but I've survived so yay!!

Any-who the book will be placed on hold for a while due to school shit whipping me.

Ohh and I know my Garret POV sucks and is short but I promise it'll be better as time passes. Pinky promise!

Oh and happy new year everybody!! I know it's late for that but hey who cares nowadays. Not me that's for sure.

The guy she never thought she'd fall for (ON HOLD FOR A WHILE) Where stories live. Discover now