Chapter 16

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Izzy's POV:

It's been weeks since I've last spoken to everyone apart from my family. I just couldn't deal with Kyle,Garret and Stephan. I honestly like them all but differently. I just don't know if I should forgive Kyle or convince Garret to be with me or be with Stephan. Being with stephan seems easy plus I'm too lazy to actually work for a guy.

So I actually called Stephan yesterday and asked him if we could have dinner at my once favorite restaurant tonight and oh my lord he said yes!!! I swear I was having a fangirl moment when he did.

So at the moment I'm at the mall with Anna and we're shopping for my date with Stephan tonight. Not even sure if it's a date or not but hey it is to me and it better be to him too. Just kidding....or am I?? Lol! Yeah I'm kidding. *wink*wink*

Later at the restaurant

I was nervous as shit, my heads were all sweaty and my heart was racing. If this is what dying feels like then I want to die and get it all over with. Or it could be love....nah! I doubt it.

So I finally got the courage to walk up to Steph without wanting to runaway.

"Erm hey" I said barely above whisper looking away to hide my blush.

"Wow! You look amazing." He said pulling a chair out for me.

"What a gentleman" I replied cheekily taking a seat. Damn he looked good but he always looks good and omft! He smelled amazing. I hope he didn't notice me sniffing me, the thought had me blushing madly.

"You look cute when you blush"

"Thank you. Glad you actually came, thought you'd stand me up."

"I would never! I actually thought that this was all just a prank or something. And I'm glad I came."

Stephan's POV:

Man I'm in love with this girl. She makes everything so perfect and cute. I think she even sniffed me but I don't mind, I've sniffed her before. Okay that was weird but love does things to you man.

"So how was your day?" Wow is that the best you can come up with Stephan. That was lame even for you.

"It was pretty amazing but just got more awesome now that I'm with you"

Gosh she's doing things to me. Maybe she does actually like me more than a friend. This is the best day ever!

During our date we talked about everything and I even asked her to officially be my girlfriend and she said yes!!! Can't wait to show her off. Damn this girl got me all girly and shit. I think I might have squealed when she said yes.

After our date I took her home and we share a passionate kiss in the car. Best day ever! God I love my life as of today.

Kyle's POV:

There he was kissing what belongs to me. My girlfriend! How dare he touch her like that, only I can do those things to her. Doesn't he follow the bro code, I mean yeah he told us that he liked her years back but honestly it doesn't count coz I dated her first so that means she's mine and nobody can have her.

I never cheated, Maddy was helping me get her back. She's actually my cousin and was never my hookup.

I promised myself that I'd never let her go without a fight and I am willing to fight for her even if I could lose my friends. I honestly don't care, she's all that I need and want and everyone knows that I always get what I want.

This time I was Izzy! My girlfriend. Watch your back Stephie boy...I will get her back. 

I watched as he walked her to her house and they went inside. Now is my chance. I went to his car and cut off his brakes. Have a nice ride Steph *insert evil laugh* 

With that I quickly scurried off into the bushes to watch the show.

Garret's POV:

I think I just witnessed a crime, but that can't be right. Kyle and Steph are best bros. he wouldn't do that.

Or would he???

Just as I was about to head off I saw Steph's car flip over and a freaking truck smash into it.

That guy Kyle is a maniac. Wow! I guess this means I gotta watch my back from now on.

The guy she never thought she'd fall for (ON HOLD FOR A WHILE) Where stories live. Discover now