Chapter 5

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I went downstairs and into the living room with my biology notes. The boys looked at me "we weren't really going to study" I narrowed my eyes "then why did you say you were?" Anthony sighed "because my mom wasn't going to let Garret visit on a school night" I sighed and left the room. I headed up the stairs when I heard the door bell ring, I turned and faced the door. I opened the door and my mouth shot wide open.
"I know I'm that hot but close your mouth a fly will go in" Kyle said teasing me and he giggled. "What are you doing here? I thought you left with your dad?"
"I did, he's Anthony's dad too so I'm living here now." I sighed and let him in "so you're also going to play zombie apocalypse with Garret and Anthony?"
"I thought we were going to study for our biology test tomorrow?" He said scratching his head.
"Well Anthony said y'all aren't going to study" he smirked at me "well change of plans, I'll study with you then" my cheeks turned pink and I looked away motioning him to come in. I went to the living room and I grabbed by my waist and turned me around "if you tell them I'm here they won't let me go study with you and I need a good grade or my mom will take my car"
"Okay then" I smiled at him and we went upstairs to my room.

I sat in my bed and he sat in my spinning chair. "Did you bring your notes" I said trying to break the awkwardness.
"I think so" he picked up his backpack and searched through it "erm I forgot them at home" he grinned.
I sighed and motioned him to come sit next to me, he came his eyes locked into mine. I could help but notice that he licked his lower lip and I bit mine. Our faces were inches away from one another's, his cool minty fresh breath fanned my face, he tilted his head and I tilted mine giving him my approval. His soft lips connected with mine and in a second my door shot open "dinner's..." Anthony looked in shock, we moved away from each other and looked at him " what the fuck man?!" He snapped at Kyle "I thought you said you were busy but with my sister?!"
"Calm down Anthony, nothing happened I swear" I stood up from my bed "we were just studying" I said hoping that he didn't see anything.
"Studying?!" He forced a laugh "studying what exactly?" He narrowed his eyebrows, Kyle walked up to him "we are studying for our biology test which is tomorrow" thanks a lot Anthony! Argh!
Antonio walked in "what's with all the noise?" He said confused, I walked up to him "we were studying and Anthony started shouting at Kyle"
Antonio looked at Kyle "what the hell do you want here?! Get out of my house!"
Kyle looked at him "I'm not here for you so you can't tell me what to do"
Antonio looked at me "tell him to leave now! Or you're walking to school" I sighed "Kyle please leave"
"No I won't Izz, I like you a lot and I'll take you to school if I have to." I blushed and smiled at him but before I could answer Anthony punched him in the face and Kyle's nose started bleeding. "Omf! Anthony what the hell?!" I snapped and lifted him up.
"He doesn't like you Em! He's just going to fuck you and leave you like he always does" Anthony said.
"No I won't I really like her okay?!" He looked at me "pack your stuff, you're going with me home"
"Leave with her and I'll call the cops and have your ass arrested for kidnapping" Antonio said as he looked at Kyle.
"I'm sorry Kyle but I can't" I said pushing my tears back. "They are my family and I can't just leave" Kyle huffed "I thought you liked me" and left my room.

"Are you staying for..." Abby couldn't finish when she saw blood coming out of Kyle's nose "Oh my lord! What happened to you sweetie?"
"Oh it's nothing and no thanks my parents are expecting me to be home at 8" and he left the house. I rushed down the stairs but I was too late and I sighed heavily.

At the dinner table I couldn't help but think about his words I thought you liked me. I felt really bad so I stood up "excuse me"
"No! Sit down" Antonio snapped and tried to calm himself down "you will finish your dinner before you leave"
"But I'm not hungry" I muttered to myself "it's ok honey, let her leave. I can she that she's not well." Abby said with a smile on her face and I nodded in appreciation. I took my plate to the kitchen and headed straight to my room.

I lay in bed and decided to call Kyle but he didn't answer so I called again and again until I gave up. I locked my phone and switched of my lamp but before I closed my eyes, someone opened my door. I turned to face the door and Abby walked in "oh sorry I woke you up, I'll come back tomorrow" she turned to walk out but I stopped her "no no, I wasn't asleep." I assured her with a warm smile.
She walked towards my bed and sat on it "Emily I know it's hard for you moving in with us but you know you can talk to me right" she said with a smile on her face.
I started crying " it's just so hard and frustrating, losing the only person I cared for, my best friend and then having to go through this again"
"I know sweetie" she wiped my cheeks with her thumbs "Antonio cares about you too much and he doesn't want anyone to hurt you that's why he does the things he does." She kissed my forehead and said good night. I instantly fell asleep.

My alarm clock rang, I punched it as I rubbed my eyes and slipped out of my covers. I made my bed and headed straight for the shower. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and changed into clean clothes. I picked up my phone to check for any calls or texts from Kyle but I got nothing. I know he's mad at me but I was kinda hoping that he forgave me. "Wake up or we're going to be late!" Anthony screamed from behind the door banging on it. "I'm up!" I snapped and went out of my room sliding my phone in my back pocket.

We had breakfast and left the house heading to school. The ride was tense so I broke the tension " did you study?" But Anthony just looked at the road and said nothing. "Rude much?" I muttered to myself and looked out of my window but he spoke "you can't fuck my friends" I looked at him "nothing happened!" I hissed. We pulled up at school and he parked the car "be here when school's out or I'm leaving without you" he said as he got out of the car. I got out too and headed to Anna.

"Omt!! So y'all are finally dating?! Details!!!" Anna started as she jumped up and down. "Ew! No he's my half brother, I live with him now"
"Oh my bad" and we walked to our locker. I looked up and saw Kyle with his head in his locker but before I could go to him Stephan embraced me into a hug and I hugged him back. And I pulled away but Kyle already left.
"Hey do you know why Kyle is so angry? He won't even talk to me" Stephan said confused but I looked down " we were studying an we...kissed" I said while looking down.
"You and Kyle kissed?" Stephan said as he ran his hand through his hair.
"It wasn't really a kiss" a voice said from behind me but I knew who it was. Kyle

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