Chapter 11

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Izzy's POV:

After Kyle shoved me out of his room to talk to Garret I went straight to the guest bathroom and took a shower. The  water was nice and soothing, I could've taken a nap but then I heard shouting so I quickly dried myself , changed and headed to the source of the loud shouting. Kyle's room.

I just stood frozen in the doorway and couldn't help the tears that started falling down my cheeks. " I think we need a break. Garret take me home please" I whimpered. And within minutes we left Kyle's house.

The car ride to my house too uncomfortable for my liking and Garret started talking like he read my mind.
"I won't tell Anthony that I got you at Kyle's"

Thanks was all I could say while staring  out the window. Looking at the trees as we rode past them. I couldn't help the flash backs that popped in my head.
"You were stupid to think I wouldn't find you"  he brought a lit blow torch to my skin. It hurt like a motherfucker and I just couldn't stop crying.
"Why do you keep running from me? " he placed it the torch on my arm this time and I jerked my arm away.

"Izzy??" Garret waved his free hand in front of my face.

"Sorry what?!" I said slightly confused.

"I asked if you want to get lunch or take a nap at my house and I can tell Anthony that I found you"

"Oh the nap sounds good but I have to get home before my parents get worried"

"I already told Anthony to pick you up at my house. I'm sorry" he sent me an apologetic smile while running his had through his messy but adorable hair. Wait did I just refer to Garret as adorable? I seriously need that nap.

"You should've-"  before I could finish my sentence, Garret crushed his lips onto mine. Our lips moved in sync with each other's. He lifted me up and placed me on his lap without breaking our kiss apart but I jerked my face away and returned to my seat. "Take me home now!" I spat my voice laced with anger.

"I'm really sorry Iz. I didn't mean to...I mean I did... I mean I'm sorry I'll take you home." He said while starting the car and drove me home.

After a few minutes we parked in front of my house and I muttered a thanks and exited the car without making any eye contact.

I opened the door and headed straight to my room but stopped when I was embraced into a huge bear hug. It's was Abby. I hug her back and felt the warmth I've been longing for after my mother died. I cried in her chest and she rubbed my back soothingly. "It's ok sweetie. We're just glad you're okay. Do you want me to bake you a pie?"

I sniffed a couple of times and nodded and we both went to the kitchen. I watched her bake the pie and I instantly smiled. My mother was a very busy woman so she never had the time to bake me anything but we used to bake together back in middle school. So I stood up and went to help Abby with the pie. She kissed the top of my head and gave me the rolling pin.

We talked while the pie was still in the oven, laughing like morons. It was then when I let the idea of Abby being my mom stick inside my head. After letting the pie cool down we cut some for ourselves and eat it with some juice. The pie was insanely good. The way the flavors danced on my tongue, I let out a light moan. That's how damn good the pie was.

Abby asked if I was okay or if I needed to talk and I said I'm fine, just need a bit of time and I'll talk to her. Then I cleaned up and told her that I was late and reminded her that she had work tomorrow and that I'll take care of the dishes. Look at you being the perfect daughter all of a sudden.

After I washed the dishes I went to my room to sleep but bumped into Anthony. Oh my God! Why now?!
"Erm sorry!" I mumbled and shifted aside so he can pass through.

"Hey! Are you okay? Do you need to talk? Do you need anything at all?"

I chuckled seeing how worried he was. Brothers am I right? "No no I'm fine! Just need to sleep, today was just hectic for me"

Right when I was about to leave he gripped my forearm , looked at it for a few seconds and stared deep into my eyes. I could see anger and concern whirl around in his eyes. I lightly jerk my arm away "It's nothing I swear!"

"It's not nothing Izzabella! Was it Kyle?!"  His anger grew while his voice boomed.

"No I haven't seen Kyle in over a week! So stop assuming that it's him because he didn't do anything" I defended.

"Then where the hell were you?!"

"I don't want to talk about it!"

"Anthony that's enough! Go to your room now!" Abby said.

I was so greatful that she stopped this because I for one didn't want to discuss anything with Anthony right now. Abby gave me a hug and said I should go sleep. And so I did.

While lying sleepless in my bed, I decided to charge my phone and check my messages. My phone started ringing and when I saw Garret's name flash on my screen I hesitantly answered.
"Hello?" Garret whispered quietly

"What do you want?" I spat. I don't hate Garret for kissing me, I hate myself for letting him and for kissing him back. It was unacceptable!

"Can we talk tomorrow at 3 pm at Starbucks?" That bastard didn't even let me respond and he hung up. Okay now I officially hate him.

Author's note:

Omg! You guys must be so confused! I forgot to publish this chapter and I'm truly sorry. I thought I published it but guess not.

So sorry! Won't happen and thanks for still ready this book even though it sucks.

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