Chapter 17

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Stephan's POV:

"Bye babe..I'll call you later" it's so good to call her that now.

"Bye" she gave me a very tight but warm hug "be safe". With that she walked inside.

I headed to my car and climbed into the driver seat. I started the car up and drove off. A few minutes into driving, I noticed my car starting to give me trouble but I kept driving. Thought nothing of it until I hit the brakes and my car hit a truck and turned upside down. I tried opening my door but it jammed.

Whilst I was busy struggling with my door, I started to see smoke in my car. Now I'm freaking out. The last thing I remember before I blacked out was Kyle driving off with his car and my car bursting into flames.

Izzy's POV:

*riiiiiiiiiing* my phone started ringing and I saw a number I didn't recognize but I answered anyways. Could be important.  

"You might wanna go check outside, I think your boyfriend just died" the voice said and hung up the phone.

To say I was freaking out was an understatement. Who the hell was that and where the fuck did he get my fucking numbers. And how does he know Stephan. Omg! No he said Steph is dead!

I was full on crying by now, running down the stairs like a crazy person. I took my car keys and rushed to my car. I drove down the street only to be stopped by a shit ton of traffic and police cars and the paramedics. 

I got out the car I ran to the scene and saw what was now left of Stephan's car.

"Erm excuse me ma'am but your not supposed to be here" I police officer told me.

"No you don't understand! That's my boyfriend's car!" Cried out even more.  "Please just tell me if he's okay please!" I begged.

"I was just rushed to the hospital and he's in critical condition. He had some pretty nasty bruises and burns"

"Omg! No no no! He was fine a few minutes ago. We were happy, so happy!" I cried.

"I think you should head home and get some rest. You look like you need it."

"Yeah okay! Thanks" I ran back to my car and drove straight to the hospital, I am not gonna stay home and let my boyfriend die.

I got to the hospital in no time and headed to the register.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for Stephan Fisher"

"He's in surgery right now so you'll have to wait for a few hours" the nice lady said.

"Okay thank you" I headed to the waiting room and sat patiently.

Minutes later my phone beeped and it was the same number from before.

Unknown: don't waste your tears on that distraction princess. He's not worth it.

Me: who the hell are you? And where did you get my numbers from?

Unknown: wouldn't you like to know. Anyway keep a close eye on your boyfriend, I'm not gonna stop until you're mine.

Me: leave me the hell alone you fucking creep!

Unknown: you're gonna wish you never said that. Hope you and Stephan were on good terms before he got into that nasty "accident" because he's gone now.

Me: no please leave us alone. Haven't you caused enough trouble already?

Unknown: just getting started babe. Love you xox

No no no! He's gonna kill him! I gotta call the cops fast. And I did, I even emailed them the texts. I hope the save him.

"Erm excuse me miss but someone just dropped these flowers for Stephan" the register lady told me.

"Oh thank you. I'll give them to him" I smiled at her and took the flowers. I noticed a card and opened it. The card had a picture of the hangman and words that had me crying like crazy.

Better say goodbye soon xoxo


Author's note:

Sorry I took so long updating!!* xx

But I'm still busy with my exams and I fractured my wrist so I hope this chapter makes up for the lost time.

Good luck with y'all's exams and I'll see y'all in a week maybe.

Sorry bout the mistakes

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