Chapter 6

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A few days past, it was finally my mom's funeral. I woke up that morning, my eyes bloodshot red and went to the restroom. I sat in the shower for an hour thinking about my mom and how fun it was. All the memories we shared swirled in my head but was interrupted by a knock on the door "come on Emily, we're going to be late. I know you miss her but we miss her too" my aunt said.
I  walked out of the shower and headed to my closet. I took out my little black dress and changed into it. I didn't  bother applying make-up so I unlocked my door and headed out.

The drive to the church was so quiet, I swear I could hear a pin drop. I put my head sets on and closed my eyes. We arrived shortly at the church and we went in. The church was filled with my mom's employees, friends and family. I walked to my seat in the front of the church as I removed my head sets. Stephan sat next to me and held my hand through the entire service.

I got up and went to stand behind the podium to say a few things. I started "Alexis Violet Perez was a kind woman, I loving and caring mother. She put all my needs before hers" I stopped and breathed out " she was there with me when nobody else was there. I remember a few years ago when I was abducted, she never stopped looking for me, she always had faith. I knew she would do anything in her power to find me, dead or alive." I sniffed "she once told me that those who love you are not fooled by the mistakes you have made in the past or the dark images you hold about yourself. They remember your beauty when you feel ugly, your wholeness when you feel empty, your innocence when you feel guilty and your purpose when you are lost. My mother was a woman of bed few words but I knew she was there and that she loved me regardless of what I did and who I am. Thank you" I stepped down and cried even more.

A few more people spoke and the funeral was over. I spent most of my time looking at a picture of her in my hand. I missed her and needed her. She was my best friend. Stephan snapped me from my thoughts "hey everyone's leaving, you want to go get some lunch and I promise this time I won't ditch you" he said with a smile and I returned a weak one "no I just want to go home. I want to be alone for some time first" I stood up from my seat, walked outside and he followed suit. We said our goodbyes and we left.

A few weeks have passed since my mom's funeral, it was the first day of summer and I decided to go to the park. I bumped into Kyle "sorry" I muttered as I walked away but he held my wrist and embraced me into a hug "I missed you" he whispered into my ear.  "I missed you too" he pulled away and looked at me while running his fingers through his hair "I'm sorry about your mom, I was going to come but " I stopped him "no it's ok. I understand" He motioned for me to go sit down with him and I did.

After a few moments of awkwardness he decided to break the silence "I'm sorry about the other day at school, I was really upset and took it out on you"
I shook my head " it's ok, I would have done the same thing after what happened."  He held my hand and I couldn't help but love it. He looked into my eyes and I dropped mine down my cheeks heating up "hey I want to show you something" I lifted my chin up.
"Yeah what is it?"  I said with a smile
"I have to take you to it" he smiled and stood up, lifting me up as well. I nodded in agreement and we walked to his house.

The walk to his house wasn't that long and we finally got there. He unlocked the door and we went in. A lady was humming in the kitchen and I looked at him confused "that's my mom" he chuckled. "Hey mom I'm back! But I'm going upstairs" his mom came out of the kitchen and approached us with a smile "hey my name is Amber Kennedy, I'm Kyle's mom" she said as she embraced me into a hug wow are these people European? Again with the hugging? I raised my eyebrow.
"Hello Mrs Kennedy, I'm..." But before I could finish "you're Kyle's girlfriend  Izzabella Emily Perez" she smiled as she pulled away from the hug.
I choked and looked at Kyle confused but he looked down his cheeks turning pink.  We played video games in his basement for hours and I pressed pause "when you said you wanted to show me something I didn't think it would be a video game" I said narrowing my eyebrows.
"Be patient" he said in between a chuckle " and about my mom earlier.." But I cut him short "I understand" I laughed and he playfully pushed me away. I fell in the floor and pulled him along so he can fall with my. I quickly realized that he was on top of me and his mom just walked through the door "oh sorry!" She looked away " I'll give you kids some privacy" she winked at me. God help me
Kyle got up  and muttered "I'm sorry" and pulled me up. I looked down "what time is it?"
He looked at his watch and answered " it's passed 9" omf! Dad is going to kill me! "I have to go" I said fixing my hair and brushing dust of off my clothes.
"No, what about I'm surprise for you?" He said looking rather sad
"But my parents Kyle"
"I'll have my mom call them"
A third voice spoke "I already told them and they said it's ok" Amber said
Wait what?! Antonio is letting me sleep over at a boy's house?? Not just any boy but Kyle? Something's not ending up.

Kyle led me to his room and to be honest I was scared. "What are you doing?" I said as my hands started shaking. "I'm taking you to my room of course?" He said that more like a question instead of a statement. He opened his room and it was breathtaking! It looked so neat and nothing like I thought it would. I saw a blanket and basket set on the floor. " Anna told me you liked picnics under the stars but you can't have one because of your allergies" he clicked on a second switch on the wall and the starts appeared. Of course he has a glass roof  I rolled my eyes and looked up "it's beautiful, I love it!" I exclaimed. We set on the blanket and had dinner, after we were done we looked up gazing at the beautiful stars and I fell asleep in his arms. I couldn't help it, the food make me tired and his soft but firm bicep didn't help keeping me awake.

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