Chapter 13

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"Sorry Iz but I can't. I just can't leave my family and my friends. Yeah I love you but this is too much for me. I'm sorry" and he hugged me. Tight.

"Fine then! Take care of yourself"

With that I left and went on the plane. After a minute the plane took off with me on it. It was time to start a fresh in Italy. I've always wanted to go to Italy and now I'm finally going to live there for the rest of my life.

After a few hours the plane landed in an airport in Italy. I was finally living my dream and it was amazing. First I have to make a check list.

1. Take a cab to a nearby ATM
2. Take another cab to a nearby hotel
3. Pay for 2 weeks
4. Sleep
5. Find a job online
6. The rest I'll just wing it.

And so I did everything on my check list. After a few days in Italy I finally got a job at some nice Italian restaurant part time while still being in high school. I have a couple of weeks before my year end finals and I thought I should focus more on studying so that I can get into a great college.

I wrote my finals and I was finally done with high school and heading to college. I applied to a few colleges, I've been saving 70% of my salary but it wasn't enough so I had to get another job to pay for college.
You shouldn't have left your family.

Oh shut it! I'm not dealing with you today.

I woke up at 5am, made my bed and went to take a shower. After a few minutes I dried myself and my hair, applied a bit of make-up and got dressed. I had a quick breakfast and left my apartment, locking the door behind me.

Once I arrived at the restaurant, I changed into my uniform and went to the first table on my side of the restaurant.

"Good morning! I'm Izzabella and I'll be your waitress for the day" I said with a huge smile plastered on my face.

"Izzy is that you??" A familiar voice asked.

I looked up to see that it was Garret. " oh hey Garret!" I so don't want to see his face right now. "What can I get you??"

He gives his menu a once over and gives me his order, I don't even entertain his questions concerning my well being. I tell him that his food will be ready in a few minutes once I bring him his drink. Wait...what is he doing in Italy?!  After a few minutes I bring his food to him and he tries to make conversation with me but I just wave him off.

Once he's done with his food he call for me and asks for the bill. I hand it too him and he slides a note in my hand typical! If you ask me.

"What's this??" I question him, gesturing to the piece of paper in my hand.

And he simply smiles and walks out of the restaurant. Asshole! And this is why I moved to Italy but I guess I've got to move again

After I clock out, I gathered all my stuff and headed straight to my apartment. My apartment is in a walking distance from the restaurant so I save money rather than wasting it on a cab or bus. I unlock my door, plop down on my couch and read the note Garret have me. It reads

To our dearest Emily

Pumpkin please come home we miss you and are sorry for driving you to run away.
Garret told us everything and don't be mad at him because he was just looking out for you.
We know that we can be rough on you sometimes but we just want to lead you in the right direction.
Abby is dead worried about you and she was recently diagnosed with depression.
She is not well and has been gone to some special clinic for almost a month now, she believes that you leaving is her fault.
You don't have to come see us but please consider seeing Abby, she needs to know that you're okay.
Garret will bring you back home if you decide to come back.
We love you pumpkin

Love Antonio

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