Chapter 10

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Kyle's POV:

It's been over 10 minutes since Izz had gone to the restroom and I can't help but wonder if she's ok or not. Maybe she's just touching up on her make-up or some shit girls do. Maybe.

I walked down the stairs headed straight to the basement to where the squad chills during parties. And yes they were there playing beer pong with a couple of girls.

I walked over to Garret who was busy on his phone with a red cup in his other hand. " hey bro have you seen Izzy anywhere?" Kyle asked with a hint of concern in his voice.
"Yeah I saw her leave with some guy who said he was her boyfriend I think"
"She has a boyfriend?" Kyle asked with a straight face.
"I think so! I mean he knew everything about her so I believed him. And why does any of this concern you?" Garret stated with a smirk playing on his face while raising an eyebrow.
"She's Anthony's sister...our best friend's sister ok! I'm heading home! Later bro!"  With that I left the party.

Once I got home, I headed straight towards my room. Peace and quiet is all I need to comprehend everything that just happened. I just can't believe she never told me she had a boyfriend. Who does that?! Erm well what was she supposed to say? Erm hey Kyle I think we should be together but you should know that I have another boyfriend. I hate my sarcasm sometimes! 

Hey! Why'd you leave me:'( ?? And sup with you?? I never knew you had a boyfriend! -Kyle
With that I went to bed.

A week later

Still no text from Izzabella! I just don't get it. Why would she do this to me, to us. I growled in frustration. Does she not know how she makes me feel, does she not see it. A sudden buzz broke me out of my trance and I looked at my phone to find texts  from the squad

Dude sup with you?? You've been MIA for a week now? - Stephan

Dude we are seriously worried about you. Text me? -Jaundrè

WTF dude! Talk to us, we're your friends and you better not be with Izzy coz Anthony is gonna murder you.- Garret

Are you back on drugs or you just ignoring us for no reason what's so ever!- Rafael

I don't give two shits bout what's wrong with you! Where the fuck is my sister?! If I find out she's there, I'm gon break every single bone in your body! Don't test me!- Anthony

I replied to all their texts except for Anthony's, I'm not about to deal with his empty threats today. I headed to my bathroom but was interrupted by a knock on my door so I went to open the door and behind it was Izzabella. I couldn't help but gasp after taking in her appearance, from her messy hair to her torn and dirty clothes to her bloodshot eyes. And they say I'm the one on drugs! I shook the thoughts out of my head and I pulled her close into my arms never wanting to let her go but she was pulled out of my grasp.

Garret sighed but continued talking " you're lucky it's just me and not Anthony because he's mad. He's really really mad"

"Izz go take a shower, I need to talk to Garret alone please" without waiting for her response  I kissed her head and shoved her lightly out of the room.

There was an uncomfortable silence in the room and Garret decided to break it. "Start talking before I tell Anthony what I saw"

I sighed while running my fingers through my hair "it's not what it looked like. I swear she just got here and I don't know where she was. I promise"

"Why should I believe you because at the party you said she can move in with you if her family disapprove"

"I don't have to explain myself to anyone! Not you, not Anthony and not the guys! If you don't believe me that's on you! I don't give a shit anymore." I hissed.

"I'm taking her home"

"She is home! This is her home and she loves it here, why else would she come here first?"

"Because she believes in all your bullshit! She thinks you care about her but you don't! We can all see it, you're not fooling anyone except for her coz she's so damn naïve" Garret hissed through gritted teeth taking a step closer.

We both broke from out bickering when we heard someone sob. I went to embrace her in a hug but she backed away shoving me back roughly. " I think we need a break. Garret can you please take me home?" She sniffed and wiped her tears away with the back of her hand. And with that they left.

I can't believe it! I can't believe she just left me! I don't get it.  I never thought she would give up on us, I thought she loved me the way I loved her. It's just not fair. And this is why you never date dumbass. To avoid all of this.

The guy she never thought she'd fall for (ON HOLD FOR A WHILE) Where stories live. Discover now