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Della remained quietly curious for the rest of the drive.

It was going to be a good night. I had to beg Mali not to breathe a word to mum about our 'adventure'.

"Can I at least have a hint?" Della asked as she tiredly leaned against Luke. "No." The boys and I said in unison.

"Fine, be that way. You guys suck." She said and pouted. Ashton then gasped. "Rude!" He exclaimed dramatically and scooted closer to the window.

"Don't worry Del, we'll be there soon anyway." Luke said, and patted Della's head. She just sighed defeatedly.

"Trust me babe, you're going to love it." Michael said and grinned as he pulled onto a dark deserted road. I was glad Della couldn't tell where we were going. We planned it perfectly.

"You better not be planning to murder me." She said nonchalantly.

I chuckled and shook my head.

"That wouldn't be a bad idea." Ashton said in a serious tone. Then he screeched in pain when Della smacked his arm. "You're a dangerous woman. Be careful Michael. Maybe we should murder her." Another smack.

"Shut up Ashton or I'll stop the car and shove you in the trunk." Michael warned as he turned into a hidden parking lot.

Ashton then pouted quietly and Della snickered.

Michael parked the car and grabbed the bandana from his pocket. He tossed it to Luke who smiled innocently as he went to cover Della's eyes. "Oh my god. You guys are going to kill me!" She exclaimed but let Luke tie the bandana around her anyway.

"You've been watching way too many crime shows." I said and got out of the car. The boys followed and Ashton helped Della out of the car.

"If I remember correctly, you like to watch them with me so I wouldn't be talking." She faced me and crossed her arms but I'm pretty sure she couldn't tell I was in front of her. "And he squeals like a little girl when he thinks he knows who the killer is." By the tone of her voice I could tell she was rolling her eyes behind the blindfold.

"Okay enough chit chat. Let's go, I can't wait any longer." Ashton said and practically skipped away.

We followed him down the path and Michael held Della's hand, guiding her. I noticed the way his eyes lit up with excitement in the dark. God, he didn't even realize it. I can't wait for him to figure it out.

He was totally in love with Della.

Michael Clifford, the boy who shreds on the guitar, dyes his hair and pretends to be tough but is actually a kitten is in love with my fragile bird of a sister.

After a couple minutes of walking, the sound of hushed chatter could be heard. We stepped into the clearing and the voices stopped.

"Okay, ready babe?" Mikey asked and Della nodded. He untied the blindfold and suddenly all the voices came back.




To say I was shocked was an understatement.

It was totally overwhelming. But in a good way. I looked at the crowd of people who had gathered around on what looked like a private beach.

I gasped and smiled. I had totally forgotten it was my birthday.

A pair of arms wrapped around my waist and I leaned back. Michael rested his chin on my shoulder and I knew he was smiling.

"Happy birthday angel." He whispered. I started tearing up and I turned around and hugged him tightly. I pulled back and kissed him.

"Happy birthday to you too Mikey."


The beach party was amazing.

Everyone drank beer and sang happy birthday. Michael and I blew out eighteen candles together and we danced around the bonfire.

It must've been around three or four in the morning when people started going home. I was so tired but I wasn't ready to go home yet.

When the last of the party goers had gone, Ashton and Calum ran to the car and brought back blankets.

The five of us got snuggled up around the now dying fire. We sat silently, listening to the waves crash along to a playlist off Luke's phone. The sky was starting to lighten and soon enough we were watching the sun come up.

It was beautiful. An ombre sky made of yellows and pinks and blues. You could even see the morning star.

"Second star to the right, and straight on til morning." I said smiling.

"What?" Calum asked as we watched the sun gather the courage to greet us. I chuckled. "It's from Peter Pan, Cal." He tilted his head, not getting my reference. I could feel everyone's gaze on me but I kept mine on the universe in front of me.

"I found Neverland. You guys brought me here and made me apart of your lives." I sighed contently. "And this, right here, this is why I don't wanna grow up." I said pointing to the sun that had finally come out to play.

"My Neverland is wherever you guys are. I'm Peter Pan and you're my lost boys and when we're together, we never have to grow up."

Suddenly a kiss was placed on my cheek and I turned to Michael. He had a big smile on his face and I couldn't help but smile too.

"I thought you'd be Wendy." Luke said.

I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Oh Lukey, did you even watch Peter Pan? Wendy left Neverland and grew up."

"Oh...that makes sense." Luke chuckled and we all laughed.

"Yeah well, Peter Pan and Wendy turned out fine." Michael said looking at the sky and I giggled.

"Did you just quote the Jonas Brothers?" I asked grinning. Michael flushed pink. "Shhhhhh, no I didn't." He said hiding his face and the boys laughed

"It's okay Mikey, I'll fly with you." I said softly, so only he could hear. Michael looked up and we stared at one another.

"I love you."



It's my birthday today. Officially 20 years old. Also, a very happy birthday to a certain Michael Clifford. What a damn coincidence.


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