Weird Dream

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This a random book so you all are going to get my really random tale of a dream I had.

So the parts a remember were that my friend, my brother and some other people who I don't really remember were going to an old Victorian house on a hill. Apparently my brother had already gone through the house but then he pulled out lenses from his pocket that goes over one of your eyes and says "Though I never quite figured out what this was."

I had a hunch on what it was but to make sure, I put it over an eye and could see blue invisible ink everywhere. I end up freaking out and my friend asks what I was freaking out about and then I give the lens to her as she puts it on and starts freaking out too. The lenses are from my favorite game of all time, The Room (which idk but maybe you all should go get it because it's an amazing puzzle/mystery game with amazing graphics and story and music and sounds and everything, it's an app on the App Store)

Anywho, after she takes them off, we hear the sound of many small animals coming our way. Around the corner appears a whole group of cats. Now some of you might think that if a group of cats came towards you, it wouldn't be that scary but it was.

Then my brother led us to the kitchen, pulled a switch, and then a slide down the vents appeared and we went down. It led us to a room with a bunch of slides in it and we had to go through all of them to get at.

I then asked my brother if the cats could follow and he said "No, they can't."

So we went in the slides and about three quarters of the way through, guess what came down the entrance slide? You guessed it, a cat. We scream an finish the slides but then somehow appeared in a horde of kid zombies in Halloween costumes and we had to act like zombies to not get eaten.

Then we somehow were in a sandwich shop like subway but you put your sandwich on a little burger bun. As I was about to pay, I realized I had forgotten money so leave my tray at the cashier and I head back to the table where our group of kids were and somehow Bobby, from Supernatural, was out chaperone. I ask him for money to pay but he doesn't give me any. So then I go find my brother who is in the bathroom and through the door I ask him for 10$ saying I would pay back. But he said if I gave him 15$ back then I could take 10$. For some reason I agreed and took the 10$ and went to pay for my sandwich.

Then my dream ended.

That was a weird one...


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