WUT MORE TRIPS?!?!? Please read :)

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Hai guys
This is for all my books, SO YOU BETTER READ THIS!!!!!
Now before you all go "WHY U NO UPDATE?!?!?!" I have a rea- (Ignore this if you don't want to see me rant about my crazy brother) Oh dear lord...my brother is scaring me. First he putting his underwear over his pants, O_O now he's walking around with it on his head!!!!! MY EYES BURNNNNNN!!!!! AAAHHHHHHHH *runs out of room*

Whew. Okay back now. As I was saying, I'm going to Norway for two weeks with possibly no WiFi :(

Now your all thinking "What nuuuu, I needs updates!!!!" Well it's a cruise vacation to Norway, ha, see ya layers suckers!!! JK :p Sadly I've never been on a cruise vacation before so I'm kinda hoping it doesn't end like the titanic. I know I know, it probally won't, BUT YA NEVER KNOW!!!!!

Anyways when I do come back I will have updates for all mah books, maybe two, we'll see!!!! SO YOU ALL BETTER BE HAPPY!!!!!!!! >:(
Sooooo how's life?
Alright, I think that's enough awkward silence where I don't know what to say
Narnia is real

See ya skittles

Randomness out

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