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Dedicated to @im5lover456

Laney,it's for you!
Hope you like it!!

- OMG where am I? What am I doing here? Why is everywhere so dark? Why can't I move my hands and legs? Why is it so silent? Where is David? Why is it smelling like fish?

Thousands of questions were roaming in your head. You couldn't feel your hands, legs but worst of all, you couldn't see anything as you were blindfolded.

So sometime everything started to come piece by piece; you were returning home after school when suddenly you got a text from your boyfriend,David. He sent you that tonight you both would be going on your 1 year anniversary date. Then suddenly someone knocked you out. Then when you woke up, you were here..

Suddenly you heard footsteps getting closer to you.You were sweating so much due t you're afraid. Suddenly you felt someone grabbed your tank top and tore it off you,showing your multicolour bra. Then you felt someone lifting your skirt. You felt so uneasy that you started shouting loudly causing the kidnappers to swear and kick you.. You were crying so much, wondering what these people will do to started thinking David strongly hoping that he would find you but your hope fell as you thought yo yourself: he doesn't know where am i!!

You were about to give up your hopes WHEN suddenly you heard someone screaming loudly 'Laney'. You knew this voice!! It belongs to David!! David found me!!

Within a minute, you could hear screams of pain, sounds of someone punching another one, kicking each other! It was givinv you shivers down to your spine..
Suddenly you felt someone hugging you but not any normal hug, a earth which you knew very was David

Then he whispered some sweet words in your ears while removing the cloth around your eyes.When you regained your vision, you hugged him while crying in his large muscular chest. Then he pulled away and kissed you passionately..

He took his jacket off and put it around you while he was carrying you to his car. Once Inside you both were going home. There was a silent not awkward but comfy..when suddenly a question popped into your head..

- how did you find me? You asked him hesitately

He looked at you with soft eyes while stroking your cheeks which made felt safe.

- I found you by your GPS and from now on never switch off your GPS and NEVER go out alone!! When you are returning from somewhere and going somewhere, phone me and I'll pick you by any cost, understood!! He said strictly.

You smiled and nodded by saying 'yes sir'. He smiled and gave you a peck at the lips and returned his attention on the road. Then you fell in a comfortable sleep...


Hope you like it!!
Especially Laney,hope you like it...

If you don't, I'll do another..

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