True Love

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Dedicated to @colependery_fangirl

You were sitting on your throne, thinking about your Prince charming,Cole. He was so perfect in his Royal suit. His smile is so perfect with his dimples. His height is good for you. His brown eyes melt into yours. His dirty blond hair shines in the sun.

( Girl,how can you not faint at the thought of Cole in a Royal suit and plus he is your Prince charming!!!!!!)

Suddenly your guards came and payed reverence to you. You nodded and you asked them what's the matter. Then they told you that a certain prince from the nearby kingdom came to see you. You nodded and told them to let him in. They left while you stood up and went to the window. Suddenly someone came in and walked to you and kissed your hand. You turned around to see.... Prince Cole!!!

You were so shocked to see him and at the same time happy. You blushed at his gentle eyes staring at you. He smiled and you led his till your throne where you took a seat and he started talking. He was about to say something when his parents, King Scott and Queen Theresa entered in. They walked you both and then, asked you a question.

- Princess Mia , would you please accept the proposal of marriage from our kingdom and marry my son? He loved you ever since he saw you at the royal ball last month.

You had wide-opened eyes at the words of Scott. You didn't have any words to say. You only smoked and nodded. All of their faces lit up. The king and Queen left as they wanted Cole to spend some time with you alone.

Once they left, Cole came closer to you, made you stood up and kissed your gentle lips. You missed back which made the kiss more deep. After sometime, you both pulled away to gasp air. Then he cupped your cheeks and kissed your forehead before whispering 'Very soon Princess you and your perfect body will be mine!!' in your ears. Then he left, leaving you alone blushing...

*****2 months later*****

You were walking to the altar in the hall in Cole's castle. It was so huge and beautifully decorated.
On the left side you could see your relatives while on the right side you could see Cole's relatives. There in front of you, stood Prince Cole in a white tux.

So Perfect!!!!! You thought to yourself.

There, you came next to Cole. You smiled at him and he smiled at you back. He intertwined your hand with his and you both made promises before the priest.

When the priest said You may now kiss the bride, Cole immediately cupped your cheeks and Kissee you which made you smirked. Afterwards you both went to your carriage and both went to your new castle. You both lived happy ever after with 2 princes;Prince Shakal and Prince Flash.

Hi, this is for Mia
Hope you like it!

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