Dana Vaughns

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You were so pissed off by this stupid guy,Dana Vaughns. He was always entering in your personal life. And now because of him, your boyfriend and you just broke up!

Your boyfriend and you were walking down the hallways while your fingers were intertwined. You got to meet him after a long time as he was gone for an outing for 3 weeks. You both didn't talk too often as he said that he was occupied and also you didn't want as you noticed that he was distant recently. But today he returned so he wanted to spend sometime with you. It was going well between you two when Dana and his crew cane and started to beat him. You tried to stop them but they didn't stop, so you called teachers and finally these boys stopped.Your boyfriend was injured everywhere. When you asked Dana why he beat him, you were shocked to hear that Your boyfriend had been cheating on you since long.

How did Dana know?

The girl that Your boyfriend cheated on you,was his cousin..

You were so angry at both people.. Your boyfriend because he cheated on you but with Dana because he entered in your private life..

You slepped your boyfriend and thanked Dana for his help even you were angry at him.

You walked away thinkinh about the next step you will do.

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