Imagine for Cole

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Dedicated to @Cupcake_crazygirl

-I'm gonna tell him today!! But what if he gets angry? But its his child! What if we ain't ready yet to become parents!!

Thousands of questions were roaming in Niyathi's head. Cole and Niyathi were married since 3 months and 2 weeks after their marriage,Niyathi started feeling sick so she went to see a doctor and she was surprised to know that she was pregnant. She hadn't told Cole yet as she thought of the consequences but today she took her guts to tell Cole still fearing Cole's reactions.

But something was fishy also with Cole. He was very distant with Niyathi and would return home very late. Niyathi wouldn't bother about this as she trusted him. She decided to drive to his recording studio to tell him the news and at the sane time to surprise him.

She entered the recording room when suddenly she couldn't advance any further, her knees were getting weaker and weaker; Cole Pendery, her husband was kissing another girl who was pinned against the wall. Niyathi couldn't believe her eyes! Slowly tears started falling down her cheeks. Suddenly Cole heard a sobbing sound,he pulled away and turned his head to see Niyathi with a sad and angry expression. He rushed to her comfort her when she backed up, slapped him and ran away in her car. Without a second, Cole followed her till home to see her packing her clothes in suitcases and leaving the house. Cole tried to stop her but it was in vain!

*2 years later*

Cole was driving in a hurry to Sweet Hotel(I invented).

Why? Because he found where his whole family was I.e Niyathi and his daughter!!

He learnt the truth from Dalton. Niyathi was best friend with him so she told him everything include the baby also. He just learn that Niyathi was pregnant when she left the house and now she is staying at a hotel.

After half an hour, Cole reached her hotel and rushed to the reception to ask her room number. It was number 31.
Arriving before her room,Cole knocked gently on her door. After a few seconds,she opened her door and was shocked to see Cole standing in front of her with a surprised facial expression.
Cole was staring at the small baby in Niyathi's arms who was sleeping peacefully. Her hair was dirty blonde as Cole and brown eyes like Niyathi. She was so gorgeous. Just when Niyathi was about to shut the door,Cole blocked it from shutting and entered inside,begging Niyathi to forgive him as at that moment he was stressed and a jerk; he didn't realized what he was doing!

Kind as Niyathi could be, she forgave Cole and gave him a peck on the lips while hugging him.
Slowly they both went to the bed and put the baby in her craddle. Then they went in the bed to kiss and... ( if you understand what I mean)

So this chapter is for Niyathi
Hope you like it!!!

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