Dana + cookery = Disaster

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Dedicated to @crystalim5

You were excited as today is your one year anniversary. You and Dana have been dating for 1 year now and today he said that he would do something for you in get house so don't return home before 6:40. You nodded and decided to spend some time with your sis, Kylen at the mall. Once there, you both did some shopping and then went to Steers to eat. After eating, you went to the cinema to watch Pitch Perfect 2. It was hilarious..

At around 5:30, you went to your sis house and there you both gossiped like the good old times in UK. Then around 6:25 you sis led you a dress to wear. After dressing up and doing your make up, you arrived at yir shared house at 7. When you entered in, you smelt the smell of something which was burning from the kitchen. You rushed there to see everything white; it was flour who was split everywhere. Then you saw Dana in a cook apron holding a frying fan which was in fire. You couldn't hold you laughter. You laughed at him which made him blushed. You went to him and kissed him on the lips which made him shocked but he kissed back. Soon your face was all white and your dress was white also. Afterwards you went to change into comfortable clothes and then helped Dana to clean the Kitchen. After cleaning it for 1 hour, you ordered some pizza while Dana went to take a shower.

When the pizza came, you and Dane spent the night together while eating them and watching films.

It was the most hilarious anniversary ever!!!

This is for Tamina!
Hope you like it!!

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