Christmas imagine for Dalton Rappatoni

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Dedicated to all 5ers who love Dalton!!

You were getting go go on a date with Dalton, you best guy friend and also the boy who you have feelings for. All this happened thanks to your best friend, Maddie.

You and Maddie were walking down the hallway when suddenly someone wrapped his hands around Maddie's waist. You both turned around to see her boyfriend, Cole. She kissed him on the lips and he kissed back. These two were relationship goals. They were so in love and cute together. You always wanted a boyfriend and you got many opportunities to have one but you only liked Cole's buddy, Dalton. Younwede so much day dreaming that you didn't realize that Dalton was calling for you. Then Maddie nudged you,snapping you out of your thought. You looked at her to see her pointing behind you. You looked behind you and saw a confused and worried Dalton staring at you. He asked if you were alright which you responded yeah. He smiled and told you something unexpected.

- so I heard from Maddie that you wanted to go on a date with as your Christmas gift.

Immediately you started to blush, making Dalton, Cole and Maddie smiled. You slowly nodded and remembered that today was Christmas eve.

- good then cuz today at 7:30 I'm gonna pick you up. See ya later then.

He pecked your cheeks and left. When he left, your cheeks were all red. Then you went to the rest of your class.
* end of flashback*

You were snapped from your thoughts by the honking sound f a car; it was Dalton. You looked at yourself one last time in the mirror and left to him. When he saw you, his jaw dropped making you blush. He took your hands, kissed them and helped you to enter then car. Once in the car, he drove for about 15 mins. During the while ride, you would talk cheesily or sang songs. 15 muns later, he entered in a huge parking where many cats were parked. After parking his car, he came to your side of the car,opened it and escorted you till inside. Once in, you were shocked to see many people which made you nervous. Slowly you felt a hand sliding around your shoulders; it was Dalton's. You were embarrassed yet happy. After settling down, he ordered some suchi and pizza with 2 cups of Coke and sprit. When your food arrived, you both started eating while chatting. Each minute you would spend with him, made you fell harder for him. Suddenly he stood up and started talking loudly, drawing everyone's attention.

- Today I have the great honour to say that I'm gonna ask MY GIRL out.

He turned to you and said

- Y/N will you please be my girlfriend??

I wanted to ask you this question since the first day of college but I feared that you would reject me. But now after I saw you in this amazing outfit, I can't hold my feelings anymore. I love you!!

Y/N will you??

You were so dumbfounded that you didn't know what to say. Everyone include Dalton, were waiting for your answer. After a while you made your mind. You smiled sweetly and replied

- I love you too Dalton and yes, I would love to!!

He smiled and kissed you passionately on the lips while everyone was cheering loudly.
After breaking the kiss, he stared into your eyes while your hands were around his neck and his were around your waist. Then he whispered Merry Christmas princess!

You looked at him confused when he pointed at the clock on the wall. It said 00:02. You smiled and replied Merry Christmas too Dalty!

Then you both kissed deeply making the everyone cheering even louder.

It was the best date ever in your life!!

So this is a special Christmas imagine for the 5ers of Dalton.

Merry Christmas and enjoy your day!!

xx Erza xx

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