star wars Jedi

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Dedicated to Cupcake_crazygirl

Today you were invited over to stay at your bestie's place, Cole. He was your best friend/brother since childhood so don't think he is more than a bestie plus you already have a boyfriend, Dalton.

At around 18:00, you drove to Cole's house. After 5 mins of ride, you finally got there. You knocked on his door but no one answered. Confused you were about to call Cole when the door mysteriously opened by itself. You entered in with the expectation of getting pranked and scared by Cole. Slowly you walked inside but yet nothing happened which you found strange. All of a sudden you heard someone said in a robot voice ' may the force be with you '

You turned around to see someone dressed in an astronaut outfit but because of the darkness you couldn't see well. Then all lights lit on and you saw all the decorations were made of Star wars. Then in front of you, stood Cole with a disguise of Jedi and his electrical sword. You chuckled at his outfit, making him blush a deep red. Then you rushed to him and hugged which he hugged back too. When he pulled away, he knelt and told you

- Jedi Pendery at your service mam, how may I help you??

You smiled and thought to yourself for a while. Then your old him ' I wanna have a fun night with my bro! '

He nodded and led to his living room where it was nearly cleaned. You sat on the sofa while he went to play a movie which was Star Wars VII

He sat near you and soon the film started. You both watched it while eating popcorn and drinking coke.

After the film, you were getting bored so you asked for another electrical sword and soon started the battle of Sword.

At around 24, you were feeling sleepy. So you asked him if you could see at displace which he immediately accepted, he showed you your room, kissed you on the cheeks and let you in your room to sleep. Once on the bed, you fell in a deep sleep.

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