famous baker

40 1 1

Dedicated to cakewithim5

You were returning home when suddenly you felt hungry. You walked forward until you saw a bakery. Quickly you ran there. When you entered you were shocked to see a lot of people. You went to the counter to pass your order. After 2 mins, someone came. You looked away from your phone to see..Cole......from im5!!!!!!!

You were so shocked to see him here then suddenly you heard a familiar voice behind. You turned your head to see the rest of the boys!!

Then you heard someone clearing his throat. You looked behind to see Cole smirking at you. You blushed and asked him a cappuccino with marshmallow at the top with a double chessy chicken sandwich. He nodded and left to prepare your order. After a few min he returned with a large tray of food. He handed you the tray and led you to a table. There he let you eat when you asked him if he wanted to eat with you. He smiled and nodded. Then he sat with you and you two started chatting while you were eating. After eating you threw your trash, paid at the counter and were about to leave when he grabbed your wrist and asked your number. You blushed and gave him your number while he gave you his. You waved at him and left. Once at home, you noticed you received a message from Cole.

From Coley

Hello beautiful wanna go out tonight? I know it's a yes so I'm gonna pick you up at 7. Be sexy as always


You smiled at the message and went to get dressed.

This is a surprise for her!

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