three // jae hwa

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Jae Hwa kept her head low as she entered the school building. She could feel her body ache for every step she took, and she tried to cover up her bruised face with her hair. She had managed to get in the shower and find a clean uniform as soon she came home this morning, but she still felt like shit.

She would have been naive if she thought no one would acknowledge her. If there was one thing Jae Hwa did not need more of, it was attention.

It had already started when she arrived at the bus station. Everyone that had seen her on her way to school had the same expression. They looked at her in disapproval. Like she was some sort of trash they couldn't wipe away.

She grabbed the straps of her bag, clenching her fists around the fabric. She just had to endure this place for a few more months. She was so close to graduation. Not that she counted though, because everyone with common sense knew she was most likely not to graduate this year either.

It was no one on the roof when she arrived. The fact that she actually could be there alone for once made her heart dance. She didn't like to come up here when it was crowded. Something it usually only was around exams and midterms.

She sat down by the pipe, in her usual spot. It was only ever taken by her. She turned up her music and looked out over the view. Everything seemed so pretty from up here. It always did, and she knew better than anyone that none of those thoughts were realistic because life simply didn't work like that.

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