eighteen // hoseok

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The loud music was filling the room, and the air was intoxicated with sweat and perfume. Hoseok would normally love going to places like these. Here he had no title. He was just him. Nobody knew him, but people would still line up after him. He didn't especially like this part, but this time he couldn't quite enjoy himself. He was just getting more disturbed.

He walked through the endless corridors to get out of the place. The walls were black and the light was dim so it felt like a never-ending tunnel to hell. He leaned up against the wall, slowly making his way out of the claustrophobic mess he had gotten himself into. The loud music and sound of laughter further down the corridor was making his head hurt, and he for once could not wait until he reached home.

«Hoseok is that you?» a feminine voice called after him as he sobbed down the path to his apartment. He was not drunk anymore, but he wasn't sober either.

He spun around to face Jae Hwa. What was she doing here? Was she living anywhere near here?

Hoseok held up his hand in acknowledgment.

She ran over to him, coming closer than he wished she did. Her face scrunched up when she came up close. He didn't even have to guess to know it was the smell of the alcohol that made her flinch.

«You've been drinking,» she mumbled to herself, but hoseok heard her.

He looked down at her, admiring her face. He hadn't had much time to do that lately. Her hair was in a messy ponytail and she was still wearing her school uniform. She tends to wear that a lot.

«Let's get you home,» she said grabbing his arm, bringing it over her shoulder. Hoseok didn't have the heart to tell her he wasn't that drunk anymore, and that he could by no means walk by himself. He didn't need help with that.

«Let's get ramen,» Hoseok spat, earning Jae Hwa's attention.

She looked up at him with a smile. This was her chance. 

troublemaker // hoseokWhere stories live. Discover now