Phone calls

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*Katherine's POV*

Why is no one answering their phone! I've tried Niall eight times, Tara twelve, Harry and Ken six. What the fuck is going on? Well I get the whole Tara thing. But, Niall, Harry, and Ken?

Shit if I didn't know any better they were ignoring me.

Well, I would too if  I were them.

Shut up no one asked you.

That, my dear, is why I answered you.

It's in his DNA
It's in his D

"Hello?" I answer the unknown number in hopes of it being a prank call from one of the boys or Tara.

"Hey there sexy." A dark voice answered.

My eyes widen and I thrust the phone from my ear and look at the caller ID.

What the fuck. It literally said Unknown.

"Niall?" I whisper. Oh god please please be him.

"Don't you wish your little boy toy--- KAT! DONT FUCKING--- Shut the fuck up!" There's a loud scream and a sound of a slap? What the fuck is happening.

"Tara? Do you fucking have her you douchebag!" My voice rises and I feel the pain in it.

"Ooh touchy. Eh? How about I tell you that I have your boy toy too." His voice is lighter. Almost as though he is laughing at me.

"Let them go. Now." The edge in my voice could be heard a mile away.

"Only if I could. They know too much now. They know who I--- IT'S NIALL, KA--- you son of a bitch!"

The phone line goes dead and I'm left listening to the dial tone. What in the actual hell is going on?

I told you he was trouble the moment we saw him. But, noooo. He's cute. I'm just going to drool over this dimwhit while I get taken advantage of.

It's not Niall! It couldn't be!

And how do you know that ? Huh princess. The caller ID did say his name.

That's only because that bastard has him and Tara. That's the only reason!

Is it? It's that the only reason?

*Nialls POV*

"You son of a bitch!" I end the call and turn around on Tara. "Do you think this is the right move for someone who is tied to a fucking chair in the middle of nowhere?" My face is warm; almost burning hot and I bet it's red as fuck.

"The only one who thinks that was a bad idea was you! You freak! Why can't you just leave her and every other girl alone?! Why can't you find happiness in yourself instead of ruining our life's!? What the hell fucked you up so bad that you have to do this, huh? What's your fucking problem!" Her voice comes out in gasps. I guess the beaten I gave her earlier wasn't bad enough to keep her whore mouth closed.

"Do you want me to slit your throat? I have the equipment to do so if you'd like. Or maybe I'll do it in my account. Maybe I'll do it right now if you don't shut your fucking trap!" God this rush is fucking great. I haven't had a feeling like this since I tried to kill Tara before.

The beautiful way horror struck her eyes and the tears that followed. Her wavering voice giving out when her body was found. Her parents screams and cries for her to wake up. And all that beautiful, dark red, sticky blood that was left all over the bathroom floor when she was picked up by the ambulance. God, a rush like that was hot. It was almost orgasmic. And I feel it again. My insides are tingling. My hands are shaking; waiting for me to kill the bitch.

*Katherine's POV*

"Yes sir. I would like to track a phone number.. Yes it was a number from my contacts.... Well officer, it sort of happened randomly... Thank you! Call me back? Okay. Goodbye sir."

That fuckers going down whether he likes it or not.

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