Every breath.

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*Mystery person POV*

"Hello?" Nialls voice says coming through the phone.

"I know what you are doing to Katherine."

"What? Who is this?" He asks, hurriedly.

"That doesn't matter. But, it will when she finds out who you really are."

He doesn't answer for a minute But, then he laughs loudly. "She will never find out."

"I would not be so sure."

"And why not."

"Because girls always have ways to talk together. And that means that I will be able to talk to her without you being around." I grin.

"Who are you!" Niall shouts.

"It's pretty bad that you don't remember me. But, I remember you."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean Katherine will know soon. Good bye, Niall." I hang up my phone and go back to planning a way to talk to Katherine.

*Katherine's POV*

"Hey Kat!" A deep voice says from behind me.

I slowly turn around to see Harry with a scowl on his face, "What the hell has been going on with you?"

"Nothing." I groan. I knew this was going to happen. But, in the middle of the school hallway. I thought it was going to be some where a bit more private.

"I call bullshit!" He says through clenched teeth.

It hurts to see him like this. It hurts not being able to talk to him anymore. Or to talk to anyone anymore.

"Look.. I cant tell you why.. I just cant talk to you guys for now..."

He looks at me with hurt eyes, "You can talk to me, Kat. I won't judge or anything. I want to be here for you."

I look at the ground for a moment. Should I talk to him about with is going on? Or should I tell him to leave me alone?

You know the risks of talking to him.

I know..

But, I'm not saying talking to someone would hurt.

I know.. But, what if he gets hurt. I don't want that to happen.

Then make your mind up. I'm not helping.

Lie. That is what I have to do.

"My mom started dating this guy and he is kind of an asshole. So, I just need some time to myself right now. Okay?" I say quickly.

Lying. It is the first step to pushing people away.

"Oh. Umm. Okay. I'm sorry." Harry says and hugs me.

I hug him back for a second then pull away from him.

"I have to go to class. i'll text you." I give him my best fake smile I can, then turn around and walk to my class.

*After school*

"Mom. I'm home!"


I walk up to my room and drop my school books on the floor. What the hell am I going to do?  Harry expects me to text him. He already most likely told the other boys what i had told him and they will come over, or they will text and call me non-stop. I fucked myself over.

"What's wrong with me?" I groan.

What if Harry still gets hurt? Because I was talking to him.. I hugged him! Oh shit! I run my fingers through my hair. What is going to happen to him?

As if to answer my question my phone starts vibrating. I take it out of my back pocket and answer it.


"What did I say about talking you your friends?"

"I know. I'm sorry. I told him some made up story. He was just worried about me. Please dont hurt him." I beg.

"I dont know, Katherine. I told you not to talk to them."

"I told him that I would be talking to them for a while." I answer quickly.

"Mhmm. And then you hugged him." He says loudly.

"Please. It was a good bye hug from me."

"You know it is quiet hot hearing you beg."

I ignore his comment.

"This time I will let it go. But, next time I find out you are talking to one of them. They will disappear. Understand?"

"Yes. Yes, I understand." I say quickly, tears fill my eyes making it hard to see anything but blurs.

"You are mine Katherine." He growls.

"No.. I'm--" I begin.

"Yes, you are! Everything about you is mine! Every time you blink. Every time you speak. Every breath you take. Your body. Your thoughts. You. Are. Mine." he says, then hangs up the phone.

Tears roll down my cheeks and I fall to the floor. I don't want to be his. I just want to have a normal life. Why is this happening to me? Loud sobs come out of my mouth and my body begins to shake.

A soft knock comes from my bedroom door, but I am to busy sobbing to see who it is.

"Oh shit." A female voice says.

Two arms wrap around me, holding me close to the body. After a while of crying I pull away from her and wipe my eyes.

"Katherine?" The girl asks.

I nod my head, "Yes?"

"My name is Tara. Tara stone." She says, quietly.

Well, then. I know this chapter is short. I'm sorry about that. I probably wont be able to post another chapter until next week, that is why I am posting this now. Maybe I can get another chapter up before next week. Vote and comment for the next chapter. Well, I hope you like this chapter. ~A




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