Break down.

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"What are you going on about?" Harry asks.

"Can we come in?" I whisper.

Harry looks at me with a scowl then steps out of the way. We walk into the house and sit on his stairs. He stands in front of us. Well, more like in front of me.

"Talk or leave."

"It's a long story." I explain.

Tara shakes her head, "She is being stalked by a weird ass stalker that told her if she talked to her friends he would kill or hurt them. That's why she hasn't been talking to you guys."

"Or not.." I mumble.. Why can't I talk?

"Bullshit." Harry laughs.

My face reddens in anger and I stand from the stair I was sitting on, "Bullshit! You don't know the first thing about bullshit! Do you want to know what bullshit is! Huh, Harry? It's when you can't leave your house and see your best friends because you are afraid of what will happen to them! It's when you have to lie and push people you love away! Bullshit is when you throw your phone against a god damned wall so, you can try and get away from the source of your pain! Bullshit is when you sit by yourself and think if everything will get better if you killed yourself! Bullshit is when---" Again I am interrupted.

"I think he gets it." Tara says.

"No! No one fucking gets it! You guys don't understand how much I want it to stop! I don't want to be in this position anymore. I want out of it! I want out of it now!" I scream. Hot tears are running down my face. "Why am I fucking crying! I feel like I am going fucking crazy!"

I drop back on the stair I was sitting on before and cry louder. So, this is what it feels like to have a break down. Two arms are wrapped around me as I sob and pick me up.

"No! No! Put me down!" I screech. The pair of arms that picked me up dropped me on a couch.

What is going on with me? My body is shaking. I can't stop crying. I can't breath well. I don't know what is going on.

"Is all that true?" I hear Harry ask.

"Yeah.. She wasn't suppose to tell anyone. So don't say anything." Tara whispers.

Why are they talking about me like I am not here! 

"Oh my god. This is all of my fault. Harry almost getting hit. Liam and Zayn getting suspended again. Louis going to the hospital. Ken being hurt. Niall leaving. My father coming back. It is all my fault." I say to myself.

"No. Katherine. It isn't your--" Harry begins but, I cut him off.

"Yes it is Harry! if I just listened to the fucking guy none of this would have happened!" I screech.

I stand from the couch and run to the front door. I run out of Harry's house and down the street. Not listening to the screams if my name from my friends. I can't deal with any of this anymore. I can't keep holding it in. I can't keep letting everything build up. I dont want this anymore. I don't want to be known as the girl that crazy. But, I must look like it.

I mean, just imagine a girl running down the street; crying her eyes out, and trying not to scream. So, her mouth is squeezed shut. Yeah, that is me. And right now I dont care.


I stop running when I make it to the tree house. I climb up the tree and open the door to my little hide away then pull my body into it. This is the only place that I can actually think. I sit on the leaf covered floor and let out a long, high pitch scream.

Okay. You need to take deep breaths.

No. I need everyone not to hate me. I need to stop fucking everyhting up.

It's not you, babe.

it is me! Why can't I just be normal!

We have never been normal.

I just want everything to stop. I don't want to be the source of everyone pain anymore.

I know and we both know what you need to do.

I think it is too soon.

No.. It isn't.. Trust me.. But, for right now.. Take a deep breath.

"Okay." I whisper, takeing a deep breath. The cold air fills my lungs before I let the warm air out.

"I am going to be okay... Everything is going to be okay... I just need to fight fire with fire..." I whisper to my self.

"We can do this, Katherine. It will only be a little while.."

Are you ready for a bit of a personality cahange?

Let's do this, babe.

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