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Kens family, my mother, and I have been waiting in this damned hospital waiting room for five hours. FIVE HOURS! No one has come out and informed us on how he is doing. For all we know they could be killing him in there! I am not okay with that! I am the one who is suppose to kill him! No one else can! Just me!

For the past five hours Ken's family have been asking my mother what happened to him. The same answer is said every time, 'I don't know. I'm so sorry." I understand that he is their son and everything but, asking the same damn question every five minutes is getting pretty old and annoying.

"Honey, why don't you sit down." My mother suggests.

"Not until I hear if he is okay or alive." I mutter.

"Katherine, dear, We need to be patient and wait." Kens father says.

I turn to him quickly and scowl, "Patient? Wait? We have been waiting for five hours! So, I can't be patient or wait anymore!"

I need my best friend to be okay. I really really need him to be okay. He is my Ken. My Barbie. My brother. I love him.

"Um. Is the family of Kendall Peters here?" A man asks.

About fucking time! Ken's parents stand up and walk over to the doctor. They whisper about a few things then the doctor leaves.

"What? What's going on? Is he okay?" I question.

Ken's mother smiles, "He's okay."

I let out a breath, that I was apparently holding. He's okay.

"Well, other then a broken hand, arm, wrist, and burns on his chest. He is fine." Ken's Father reply's.

"Broken....? Can we go and see him?" I have to see him.

"Yes.. Even though it is suppose to be family only. I'll say you are my niece. Let's go." His father smiles.

A big smile breaks onto my face and I follow Ken's parents down the hall. Do they even know where they are going? You know what. Who even cares? We walk down two hallways before we stop at room 123. I hope this is the right place. His parents walk into the room and I follow hastily.

There in a hospital bed is my best friend. Tears form in my eyes and I walk over to the bed, staring at him.

"Hey, Kat." he says weakly.

A smile breaks on my face and I nod. He looks confused for a second then smiles.

"Come here."

I quickly walk crawl on to his bed and lay down next to him. I gently put my head on his right shoulder and cry quietly.

"Why you crying, Kitty Kat." He asks softly.

"I'm just so glad you are alive. I didn't know if you would make it back at my place."

He chuckles and kisses my head. "I need to tell you something. But, not now."

"why not?" I ask moving my head to look at him.

He looks away from me at his parents then back at me. I forgot they were here.

"We can give you kids a little privacy." His father says.

Ken nods his head and both of his parents step out of the room.

"What do you need to tell me?" i ask.

He takes a deep breath. "I think I was teenagernapped by another teenager."

"What?" What the hell is he talking about, 'teenagernapped.'

"This guy took me i guess. He held me captive in the den of a cabin. I have no idea who he was. But, he was wearing sweater that zipped over his whole face except his eyes."

A guy in a sweater that zipped over his face? "Oh?"

"He knows you." He whispers.

"H-he what?" I stutter.

"He was angry at you and used me as a message, basically."

Holy shit! No!

"I am so sorry, Ken. I- I didn't know it would get this far." I croak as I get out of his bed.

"What are you talking about?"

"This is all my fault." I groan.

"No it isn't." Ken fights.

"Yes. Ken it is.. I-I.. I need to go." With that I run out of his room, past his parents, through the lobby, and to my mothers car.

The bastard did this to him! Why! Fuck! I kick the wheel of the car.

"Katherine. I know you are upset.. But, you have a phone call." My mother says.

She holds out her phone towards meand gets in the car.


"Why didn't you answer your god damn phone, Katherine!" His voice says through the phone, angering me more.

"I broke it."

"Why!" He shouts.

"Maybe because a fucking asshole keeps calling me and I am done."

"What do you mean you are done?" He asks carefully.

"I mean that I am done. D.O.N.E. Done. With you. Your games. With everything. So why don't you leave me and the people i love alone!" I scream.

"You're going to regret this."

"Goodbye." I hang the phone up and groan.

"Fucking asshole." I mutter, then get into the car with my mother.

We drive home in silence. The only sound that is hear is the engine of our car.

Once we get home everything is quiet. John had left when the ambulance came. Which it great.

I sit down on the couch and groan. What am I going to do now? I can't just stop talking to that guy. Not, with the people I love at risk. I'd rather die then do that.

Die.. Maybe if I die nothing will happen to my friends and loved ones. Maybe if I die the guy will find a different person to bother. If dying is what I have to do to get him off my back and saving the ones I love. Then, I guess that I should.

Woah. Beep, Beep. Back that truck up. You are not really thinking about this are you?

So, I am.

No. Baby no. It isn't worth it.

If I don't then the people I love will be hurt.

No. They wont. Not if you do what you are most afraid of.

Swimming in the middle of a shark pool with my period?

Good god. No. Face him.


I swear you are as smart of a sack of potatos.

Are you going to help me or insult me?

Both. First, face him. The guy who keeps calling you. Call him out. Tell him to meet you some where. When he gets there find out who the fucker is. Second, it's sad that i am smarter then you. i mean we are the same person and everything.

Okay. First, How will we call him out? Second, fuck you.

Well, that is something you have to find out yourself.

"Why don't you go to bed?" My mother says.

"Okay." I get up from the couch,give my mother a hug and kiss on the cheek, then head upstairs to my bedroom.

I open my bedroom door and walk in, closing it behind me. I close my eyes for a moment and feel someones hands on my waist. My eye open wide and I scream.

"Why are you here?"

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