Try something.

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*One month later*

"Why don't you go and hang out with your friends?" My mother suggests to me worriedly.

"I don't want to hang out with them." I shrug, trying to act like I could care less.

"Why not?" she asks.

"Because I can't!" I shout, then go back to my bedroom. I slam my bedroom door and throw myself on my bed.

This is fucked up. Anyway you look at it. It's fucked up. Oh shit! You have no idea what I am talking about.

Well, first, if I go and see my friends they will all be killed, by mister fucking stalker dude.

Second, I'm always getting the phone calls. But, they are worst. Each one is talking about how the person can always see me. And they always know what I am doing. Literally, he called while I was in the bath once. Why did I answer it? I have no clue why I answer the damn thing.

I guess I should give you a third reason. But, to be honest with you, there are more then there reasons. But, I don't want you to become boring with my bitching. So, there isn't a third reason. We can just say that it is an on going process, that neither one of us want to continue.


Well, now that you know that. I should be happy that I told someone what is going on. But, there's nothing you can do about it. I mean like you could. But, it wouldn't help me. (Sorry!)

Only one thing right now has been keeping me alive and well. Well, I should say one 'person'. Mr. Niall James Horan. He had been so kind to me. So, nice. When I am with him I can feel all of my problems go away. It's weird. But, a nice weird. I like the way he makes me feel. I think I like him.

"You look comfortable." A voice says knocking me out of my thoughts.

I lift myself up on my elbows to see Niall standing in the doorway of my bedroom.

"I am." I say with a small smile, then drop back on the bed, closing my eyes.

"Mind if I join you?"


I hear his footsteps for a few seconds then they are gone.

"What are you----" My sentence is cut off from his body colliding with mine. My eyes fly open to see his bright blue orbs staring down at me.

"You were right about being comfortable. Because I could stay like this all day." He says, then wiggles his eyebrows.

His body is on top of mine. His arms on either side of my head. His legs are in between mine. His hard chest is crushing my beasts. And his pelvic area is.... Well, maybe we shouldn't go there.

"How is this comfortable?" I laugh.

"Because when I look down I can look into your beautiful eyes." He says.


My heart beat begins to race, as I watch his eyes. He watches my face and his eyes look down at my lips. I bite my bottom lip and watch his eyes some more. A grin forms on his face and he looks me in the eyes again.

"I know we have only known each other for a month or so.. But, I want to try something." He whispers.

Try something what does he want to try? He's already on top of me. I kind of want to see what he wants to do, though.

"Okay." I whisper back.

He slowly moves his head to the side of my face and kisses my cheek. But, he doesn't stop there. He places a soft kiss at the corner of my mouth. Then he carefully places his lips onto mine. My eyes close as I kiss him back. Our lips start to move in a faster pace but, in sync. My hands find their way onto Niall's chest, and slowly they move up to the back of his neck. Niall quickly flips over so I am on top of him but, we never break the kiss. He places his hands on my lower back. His tongue flick over my bottom lip asking for entrance.

Should you really be risking Niall's well being right now?

No.. But, I want this.

And I want him to be fine in the outcome.

Says the one that didn't like him at first.

Shut up and back off.

 I pull away from the kiss and sit up. Why does she always have to be right?

"You okay?" Niall asks me, sitting up.

"Yeah.." I nod.

Niall wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me towards him again.

"No, Niall." I sigh.

I pull his arms away from my body and get off of his lap. I put my head in my hands and groan.

"Whats going on?" He asks.

"I don't want you to get hurt.." I mummble.. Did I just say that out loud?

"You don't want me to get what?"


I feel Niall get off the bed. Maybe he is leaving. I don't blame him, I would leave too. I mean we were just kissing then I had an internal fight.

"Hey." Nialls voice says in front of me. His hands pull mine from my face. "Look at me."

I look up from my lap and look at him.

"Nothing is going to happen to me. Okay?" He says quietly.

"How do yo----"

"Okay?" He asks again.


He grins and gets back onto my bed, laying down on his back, "Come here." He says, as he holds his arms out.

I crawl over to him and laying my head on his chest. He wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head.

"I'll be fine." He says.

*Niall's POV*

At least I know that she is taking my threat seriously. I haven't seen her talk to her 'friends' in a few weeks. And even now when she stopped kissing me. She knows that i was serious. Yet, she hasn't told anyone. Well, Miss. Hoyle, you will be mine soon. Then no one can take you from me. If they try.. Lets just say the out come wont be good. For them.




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