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"How did you know where I lived again?" I ask Niall right when he walks into our history class and takes his seat next to me.

"Well, good morning to you too, Katherine." He grins.

I raise an eyebrow at him waiting for him to tell me how he really knew where I lived.

"I told you last night that Ken told me." He sighs.

Lie number 1.

"Okay.. Well, how did you get my mom to leave us alone when you came over?" I ask.

"I told her I wouldn't do anything to you because I had a girlfriend." He chuckles.

Lie number 2.

"Are you lying to me?"

"No! I would never!" He says, while putting his left hand to his chest, pretending to be hurt.

Lie number 3.

I roll my eyes and turn to the front of the class muttering, "Yeah, okay," under my breath.

"Hey, I said that I wouldn't lie to you. That means that I wouldn't." Niall says harshly.

"I know."

"So, we should begin our project. I could do the pictures and backboard, and you could do the writing." He suggest.

"Yeah, that's fine with me." I sigh.

With a nod we both get to work with only a few words here and there. Once the bell rings I grab all my things and walk out of the classroom without saying goodbye to Niall.


"Yo! Katherine!" A deep voice calls from behind me.

Turning around I see a group of five boys standing at the end of the hall. Five of my best friends. I quickly make my way to them with a big grin on my face.

"Welcome back to school, juveniles, and Liam." I laugh.

"Did you just call me a juvenile?" Louis asks.

"I called you and Zayn juveniles." I say.

Louis narrows his eyes at me, then grins, "Well, then shorty, when are you going to grow?" He teases me.

"I'll grow when your balls drop." I say with a straight face.

You're so mean to the poor boy. Give him a break.

I was only kidding. And who invited you into the conversation anyways!

Me, Myself, and I. Now, say you are sorry.

No. Now leave me alone!

"My balls dropped a few years ago, honey. But, you still haven't grown." Louis fires back.

"Okay. First, I did not need to know that. Second, screw you. Third, I'm so glad you are back."

"What about us? Are we dirt?" Zayn asks.

"Hell no! Zayn you are too beautiful to be dirt. Liam you look like a grown man. What the hell is on your face?" I laugh.

Liam slowly brings one of his hands to his face and rubs his jaw, "It's a beard. I like it."

"Well, you look handsome with it." I smile.

"I am pretty. Aren't I?" Zayn asks.

We all shake our heads and the bell goes off. I hug each of the boys and walk to my next class, shouting a goodbye over my shoulder.

In the staircase I am by myself, seeing that the bell was the late bell. I start humming the song 'All By Myself' by Celine Dion. Until I felt like someone was behind me.

I quickly stop humming and turn around to see a boy standing behind me with a sweater on. One of those sweaters that zip up all the way so you cant see the persons face. We stand staring at each other for a while, until he takes a step towards me. It scares me so I turn as quickly as I can and run up the stairs. The persons footsteps instantly stop when I run through the doorway to the third floor.

What the hell was that? Who the hell was that?


School ended quickly. It feels like it moved more quickly then usual. The boys left the school already. So, I was on my own waiting for my mother to pick me up. I probably shouldn't be alone because of what happened on the staircase but, I really don't want the person the think that I was frighten. Even though I was.

"Hey, sexy lady."

"Hi, Niall." I groan. I'm not really that happy with him, since he lied to me.

"What are you up to?" He asks.

"Waiting, for my mom to pick me up. What about you?"

"Waiting for my dad, to get me." He shrugs. "Mind if I stand with you?"

"Go ahead."

"Are you okay?" He mumbles.

"What do you mean?"

"I saw what happened on the staircase." He whispers.

What the hell. No he didn't! He has to be lying!

"Really?" I asks, sarcastically.

"Yes really. I grabbed the guy before he could get to you." He says.

I would like to call bullshit!

I think I will agree with you on this one.

"Wow. Well, thank you." I pretend to say in a surprised voice. I hope he buys it.

**Niall's POV**

"No problem." I grin.

Lying to her is easier then I thought it was going to be. I mean, I have been watching her walk home for weeks so, of course I know where she lives. Then telling her mother that I was gay so I could get into her room with out her mother worrying. She asked me if I was lying so, maybe she knows the truth but, I am not changing my answers. And now. I told her that I saw everything that happened in the staircase. Which I did, through the eye holes of my sweater.

Her face through out the whole eye contact, was stuck in my head all day. She was horrified. Mouth dropped wide open, eyes wide, hands clutching her books for dear life. Then when I started toward her, she ran for it. Of course, I didn't run after her. We were in the school. But, next time we wont be in the school. And she will be all mine.

"Well, umm, that is my mom... See you later." She says.

Before I could say anything back she is in the car and leaving the parking lot. A grin spreads over my face as I walk to the parking for students. My car was the last one in the parking lot. But, at least I know that she is okay enough to be by herself, and didn't run home, like the other girls would have. But, it is also nice to know that she is buying into the lies. Because a little lie never hurt anyone. But, seeing that they are my lies, it is a different story.

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