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"What happened?" Niall asks as I walk into my bedroom.

I shake my head quickly and walk to my dresser. I take out a clean pair of panties and put them on, then pick Nialls shirt off the ground and put it on. Niall get out of my bed and walks over to me. His hands go on my hips and he stares at me.

"What happened?" He asks again.

"We just had a little disagreement. Its nothing."

I knew there was something about him.

Really. He did nothing wrong. So, shut up.

I will not shut up. You and i both know that Tara was saying the truth. She had to of been. Why would she lie to us.

Because she can. I don't fucking know. But, I don't believe Tara. I don't want to.

You're going to have to grow up and take it like a man.

To bad I have a vagina not a penis. So, being a man is going to be hard. Also, This conversation is over.



 I smile slightly at him, "I'm fine."

He study's my face for a minute then smiles, "Good. Lets go back to bed."

"Go back to bed?" I ask.

"Oh yes. I'm not finished with you." He growls.

Oh shit.


I wake up to a loud bang, heavy footsteps, and my bedroom door slamming open.

"Get your fucking arms off of her! You nasty fucking excuse of a human!"

I look over to my bedroom door to see Tara standing there red faced, hands are in fists , eyes blazing, and her jaw clenched.

"What the hell do you think you are doing here?" I whisper trying not to wake Niall.

"Why the hell are you in bed with him!?" She shouts.

Niall's eyes open slowly and looks at me, "Morning beautiful."

I smile at him and look back at Tara and raise an eyebrow.

"You know what I told you last night and you still choose to stay with him." She growls, looking at Niall with pure hatred.

"And I don't believe you!" I shout.

"Wait. What are you talking about?" Niall groans.

"Just about how you are a fucking scumbag." Tara shrugs.

"You want to enlighten me as to why I am a scumbag?" Niall grins.

"Well, lets see. You're a fucking stalker just waiting to get into Katherine's pants. You're an asshole to her most of the time. Shit you made me almost kill myself to get you off my fucking back! Also, you're an asshole." She shouts.

"You called me an asshole twice." Niall laughs.

"That's because you are." She shrugs.

What the fuck is going on right now?

"Katherine. You have to believe me on this. Why would I lie to you. He is only doing it to get in your pants." She lowers her voice.

"Maybe he already did." I say.

"What did you just fucking say?" She shouts.

"We've already had sex. So, if it was just to get into my pants wouldn't he have left already?" I question her.

"Kat... He is going to hurt you." She shakes her head.

"No he wont."

"How do you know? How do you know anything about him?" She asks, loudly.

"Because I trust him." Why is she making this so hard? Tara is so close to me. But, she has lied to me before so, what if she is doing it again.

"And you don't trust me?" Her voice turns into a whisper.

"I don't know anymore."

*Tara's POV*

Shes too deep into all of his bullshit. I know that I should have told her about him earlier but, I know that she wouldn't listen to me. She was deep into his bullshit then too. But, for her to not believe me. Or have sex with a douche face. Shit. I should just grab her and take her somewhere away from him.

"How don't you trust me? I've been here for you." I ask.

Katherine looks at me and laughs, "How could I trust someone who lied to me?"

"I lied to try and keep you safe." My voice cracks.

Niall laughs making both Katherine and myself look at him.

"What's so funny?" I ask, bitterly.

"You. you're funny. Thinking that you could come to Katherine's house and yell at her for some bullshit that you just pulled out of your ass. Shit. I would say you're jealous. Because no guy would want to be with a fuck sociopath like you. So, why don't you just leave and leave us alone." He grins.

"Fuck you! You fucking liar! You know what you did to me- what you are doing to Katherine. So, why don't you fucking leave!" I scream.

"Tara." Katherine sighs.



"You're siding with him?" I ask.

"You need to leave, now." She says looking away from me.

I shake my head and walk away without another glance at them. I walk out of Katherine's front door to find her mom walking towards it. I smile politely at her and give her a little wave.

"how are you sweetie?" she asks.

Terrible. Pissed off.

"I'm great. yourself?" I asks.

"Tired. Just worked the night shift." She chuckles lightly.

"Awe. Get some sleep alright." I giggle.

"Oh. I plan on it." She smiles.

"well, have a good day.'

"You too dear."

With that I walk away from Katherine's house and towards mine. If she needs me she can call me. If she gets hurt I'm going to be right there. Then we can plan the murder together.



I'm sorry I didn't post this earlier I've had really bad wrighters block.

Anywho.. Comment and vote for more!


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