Get to know each other.

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"Katherine Hoyle you will be partnered with... Niall Horan." Our history teacher announces.

My pencil drops out of my hand, onto my desk, and I look over to Niall who is already looking at me with a small grin on his face. I can not work with him. No work would be done. Well, on my part it wouldn't because I would probably do something stupid like stare at him through out the whole time we are suppose to be working.

I have a bad feeling about him.

You have a bad feeling about everything!

Yeah. But, this time is different. He's just different.

Maybe he isn't!

Oh, child. You will learn in time to trust me.

Umm. No thank you. Now, leave me alone.

I'll be waiting for an 'Omg! You were right!'

You keep waiting because it isn't going to happen.

Am I going crazy? Why am I fighting with myself over a guy I don't even know.

I look down at my desk and groan. I'm going to have to ask for a new partner. But, I do want to get to know Niall.

"So, I want everyone to go sit next to there partner and talk about what your plans are going to be." The teacher finishes.

I start to stand from my seat but, Niall sits in the seat next to mine and smiles at me, "Katherine."

"Hi, Niall." I greet him back.

"So, we are partners. Exciting." He say, then makes a silly face, making me smile.


"So, how are we going to do this? And what is the project about? I wasn't really paying attention."

I laugh lightly, "Well, we can work at your house.. Or mine..." I begin. "The project is about taking a role of one of the groups during the Holocaust. Like the German People, Nazi's Jews, So on and so forth."

"So, we have to take on their point of view?" He asks.

"Yes. But, we can only choose one. So... Why don't we pick the one tonight."

"Okay.. My house wouldn't work out that well, so how about yours?" He suggests.

"Yeah. No problem." I say.


"Yeah." Damn I'm awkward.

The bell that ended class rang and everyone filled out of the classroom.

Oh crap! I didn't give Niall my address... Or my phone number.. How is he going to find my house.


It's in his DNA..


And he just takes my breath away.


"Hello." I lazily sigh into my phone.

"What's wrong, baby. Don't like answering your phone happily?" A voice comes through the phone.

I sit up from my laying position on my bed and groan, "Why do you keep calling me?"

"I need something to do."

"And calling me is the best thing you can think of?" I ask.

"Well, I can think of a few things that I could do. But, you aren't here to help me with them." He laughs.

"You're disgusting!" I yell then hang up on him.

I lay my phone down for a second then it starts ringing again.


"If you hang up on me again I will make your life a living hell! Understand me!" His voices booms into my ear, making me shake.

"Y-yes." I stutter.

"You better. Now say you're sorry."

"Why should ---" I begin.

"Do it!" He shouts again.

"I'm sorry!" I yell back.

What the hell is wrong with this dude!

"Much better. Now you may hang up." He says.

I roll my eyes and hang up my phone. I throw it down on my bed and lay on my back on my bed again. I twist my body and hide my face in my pillow and let out a long, semi- loud scream.

I'm so not answering next time. And I'm going to look at the caller ID. Because with me not looking it is getting frustrating.

"Katherine, honey?" My mothers voice says from right out side my bedroom door.

I lift my face from my pillow and groan. "Come in."

My mother comes into my room with a small smile on her face,"You have a boy here to see you. I just thought you would like to know. I'll send him up in a moment." With that she leaves my room. Who could be here? Ken? Harry?

"Up the stairs, honey. Then the first room on your right." I hear my mother say.

I take a deep breath and sit up onto my knees. This better be someone good. Because if it is some freaking creep...

"Katherine?" I hear a familiar voice ask.

I turn around to see Niall standing in my door way, "Niall?"

How the hell did he get to my house? How does he even know when my house is?

"How did you get here?" I ask.

"By car..." He says.

"No I mean.. how did you know where I lived?"

"Oh. I got your address from Ken." Niall says, biting his lip.

"Okay. I'm sorry I didn't give it to you myself. I should have. I just wasn't thinking." I apologize.

He shakes his head and grins,"It's okay."

"So... Uh.. do you want to sit down?" I ask him, while I point at my bed.

"Sure." He says and walks over to my bed, taking a seat right next me.

"So, the project...." I begin.

"Why don't we get to know each other first?" Niall suggests.

"Um sure."

"Tell me about your family." He says.

"Well, I live with my mom. She's the only one in the family that keeps contact with me." I say.

"What about your dad?" Niall asks.

"He left when I was four." I say with a shrug.

"I'm sorry I asked." He says.

"No. It's fine. Tell me about your family." I say, trying to get the subject off of me.

"My mom and dad are good people. My older brother is married and has two kids." He summarizes.

"Oh. What's your full name?" I ask.

"Niall James Horan.." He answers. "You?"

"Katherine Anne Hoyle."

"Beautiful." He grins.

"Umm. Thanks." I laugh.

"Now about the project." Niall says.


Hello everyone. How are you liking Stalker so far? Next chapter will be up for 2 votes. By the way... The next chapter might be in Niall's Point of View. ~A

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