Jan 8th, 2011

189 2 0

There is a surprise for you at the end of this chapter, I am thinking of adding this as well as a story piece throughout the story.

Thanks, Christin

Dear journal,

This weekend couldn't have been worse or better. Things with Mike are not going to be able to stay the same long, which makes me really nervous. Not only am I risking how things are with Mike, a good friend of mine, but also with my roommate and the only person who really feels like family in my life. Bryan loves me, I know he  will understand eventually he just doesn't want to see me hurt, but it is a risk I must take to fall in love. Yea, LOVE... that evil four letter word that gets us in trouble. You see I am falling for Mike hard. He took me to the zoo, and it was so much fun, play arguing, kissing, holding hands, and him buying me presents. But, our weekend didn't stop at the zoo, we met up with a few of his friends at red robin to get dinner and a couple of drinks, Mike would order and I would share since I am not 21 yet, after that which was fun, and super nice to get to know his friends we went out to his buddy Alex's house for a huge party and bonfire. Luckily, I didn't get drunk, I wasn't far though and Mike took me home early. That is were it got worse, I am getting way to comfortable with him. Once we had got home, I went straight to his room, completely stripped, stole his shirt, and got into bed. I didn't care, I don't care, I trust Mike, and if something happens something happens, he is my friend. So needless to say I have lost most of my boundaries and judging by the fact that he decided only boxers were going to be worn to bed and he wasn't going to argue with my attire I would say he is okay with it. The morning however I did get in trouble, I have never seen him get mad. I woke up and he wasn't in bed but I could hear him making breakfast, so I went down the hall to see him without putting pants or underwear on, well his roommate was on the couch, and of course had to comment. You would have thought that Mike would get mad at him, but no I was the one who got yelled at. He did apologize later but his roommate wasn't supposed to come home, and his shirt went down to the middle of my thighs so I was covered. Still i am falling for him.



Mike's Thoughts

Mike is laying in bed thinking about this weekend and how fast things are moving with Bre. 

"Mike you can't hurt Bre, you just cant do it, she has been your friend, she is sarah's friend. Sarah would never forgive you if you did to Bre what you do to all those other girls. You almost hit her this morning, yea she should have thought about it before she left the room in just your shirt, but you almost hit her, Bre and Sarah you have always promised you would never hit them, you love Bre, she was always just your little sister's friend, and her uncle's neice she was never suposed to be anything more. God I remember the first time I kissed that girl, she was 16 and I was 24, I found her crying sitting behind the old tree stump in the "woods" at her parents place. I just sat beside her, and pulled her in my arms, that was when I noticed the bruises on her back, and her wrist was pretty swollen. She told me all about Keeghan and how he treated her. I made a vow then that I would never cause her that kind of pain, no matter how mad I got, I would always control my temper around her, and then I kissed her, all across her cheeks, her forehead, her nose, and eventually her lips.... Again Mike what are you thinking you can't have her. Bre isn't yours, you will only hurt her, and lose your friend. Stop seeing her, stop keeping her over. 

Mike went on and on trying to convince himself not to but eventually his selfish side won, and he decided that he wouldn't date Bre, but he would just keep her to himself, occupy all her time, and try to pull her up here, maybe if he didn't ever have to share her, then maybe he could have her and not hurt her.

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