The Talk

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Sunday Morning Bre got up before Bryan and slipped out of her apartment, she told Bryan that she was going to the track with her uncle, and wouldn't be back until late. During her hour long ride up to his house, her mind was stirring she had so many things on her checklist:

1. Her and Mike needed to have a sit down chat about his possesivness.

2. She needed to decide if she was going to be okay with things even if Mike didn't agree to be her boyfriend

3. Was she ready to go to the next level? Was it time she actually trusted a guy enough to have sex with him and was Mike the right guy?

4. They needed to figure out a Mike and Bre day, once a week so they could have time to themselves

5. She needed to tell Bryan soon, but she was scared

So far on her checklist about all she was sure of was that she was going to sit down and talk to Mike today, and they were going to talk without getting mad, without fighting, just sit down and chat, she had so many questions for him, and needed real honest answers. She was still afraid of what his answers were going to be, what if she didn't like what she heard. Would her desire for an escape for a friend win out, would she be able to place boundaries and keep them firm even if he pushed her? By the time she was at his place, her mind had ran through every senerio and so far she always made some excuse at the end that allowed her to stay with Mike? Was that a bad thing?

Unlocking his front door, she found that Mike was still asleep, not that it was too much of a suprise it was only 8:30 on a Sunday morning, she figured that she could probably have breakfast made, and brought to him before he was even thinking about moving. Looking through his fridge she decided that A. they were going grocery shopping today, and B. It looked like she was making pancakes because that was about all that looked safe for human consumption in that fridge of his. it only took her about 15 minutes to whip together a bunch of pancakes, and get frozen orange juice made, and she managed to do so without waking either him or his roommate. She tip toed down the hall and snuck into his bed, ready to see her love, and have the talk that was causing the butterflies in her stomach to go into over drive.

"Mikey, guess what I am here, and I made you breakfast baby" she said placing kisses all over his face, after she set the tray down on his bed side table. 

"Bre is that you? why are you here so early, you didn't have to make me breakfast, but thank you baby. I love you" he responded kissing her back.

Climbing under the covers she decided to get it over with " Mike can we talk a little this morning I need to ask you something."

"Bre you can ask me anything, and everything baby. Is something wrong, please don't be upset about Thursday, I am just not used to being jealous over a girl before." He said giving her his best set of puppy dog eyes he could muster.

"Mike, you say you love me, why won't you call me your girlfriend?" that question had been eating at her for weeks, why wouldn't he just call her his girlfriend, nothing would have to change.

"Bre, baby I do love you, I love you more then I have loved anyone, but calling you my girlfriend when you live with Bryan, and when your family still hates me. It is hard, I would love to announce to the world your mine, but I don't think that the time is right, and what if you meet someone else, I don't want you to feel trapped with the guy your just going to to escape from everything else for a while, I like being your safe place and I don't want that to change, I want you to feel comfortable coming up here knowing that no matter what happens I am here, or I am gone whatever you want me to be, and whatever happens, happens no strings attached. It isn't messy that way." Mike was good at telling half truths, and he knew that as long he answered her questions correctly then she would finally have sex with him, and Bre would be his. If he could keep it friends with benefits that would be even better, then he could see other girls when he wasn't with her, of course he loved Bre that was true he loved her more then anything, he just wasn't ready to commit to just her.

"Mike I understand but I hate that you get possesive, and then I have to say when people ask that no you aren't my boyfriend your just my friend. That sucks Mike, and if that is the way it is going to be then you need to stop getting angry when I go out with other guys, or bring my Ex along to dinner, they are my friends too. Okay?" Bre was crumbling but she knew that she had to stay strong for a while longer and she would be happier if she could find some middle ground.

"Is that what is bugging you? I am sorry, I just get jealous with you, I feel like I can't have you, but I also don't want to give you up, we have a good thing baby, why ruin that. You feel safe here right, and you love me just give me longer, and maybe we can make it work, I will even start going with you when your uncle races, try to get things better with your family okay?" he continued to work his charm

"Okay, just don't get mad, and let me see my guy friends please." with the kisses he was placing on her shoulders her resolve was crumbling faster

"I promise, no more getting mad, I just will have to be sure that everyone knows your with me." with that he ends the conversation with a kiss, and Bre once again crumbled to his charm. 

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