Feb 26th, 2011

148 1 0

Dear Journal,

So I went to Mike's house this morning for breakfast. I had assumed that he just wanted sex, but actually no. He made us waffles with raspberries, and whipping cream. We talked about his plan of me moving up here again. I hate to admit it but his plan is well thought out, I mean I have better job opportunities here, I wouldn't have to pay rent, I would be able to go back to school. And I would get to see Mike everyday. Moving here however means leaving Bryan, and the thought of that makes me sick to my stomach. I couldn't imagine having to pick between Mike, and Bryan. So as good as his plan sounds I think I need to stick with staying at my place. I like my home, and I love living with Bryan. My life is easy down there, and a lot less complicated. I would hate to move here, and then break up with Mike soon afterward. I once again declined his offer, but we didn't fight we just went to the track, saw my uncle race, and then I returned home. 

  Home was amazing tonight Bryan made us dinner, and then we decided to go to the movies it was a great way to end my day, and had me feeling a lot better about declining Mike's invitation to move in with him. How could I when I have Bryan around, really?



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