Beach Trip!!!

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"Mike, Mike" Bre called, "Can we pretty please take the jeep? I want to go to Sandlake and drive on the sand... Please?" she threw in the puppy dog eyes knowing that he couldn't resist.

"Yes, we can take the beach, and we will drive on the sand, but first lets go pick up Whitney, and David got it." he said rolling his at at the "3" yearold sitting in the seat next to him.

It never stopped amazing Mike, how the responsible 20 year old that he cared about could become the crazy, uncontrolable child as soon as you mentioned the beach. She had been bouncing off the walls all morning, but it was so worth it, since she had decided to come up Sunday night and stay with him. He wouldn't say he loved her, but he enjoyed her. And he loved that he was her first, and if he had his say he would be her only. Bryan was his only problem, he knew her, and knew loyalty ran deep. She wouldn't turn against Bryan or leave him without a very good reason, and he wasn't sure he could come up with a reason. He decided that he is going to tell her if she will move in with him, then he will be her boyfriend, but as long as she stays living with Bryan she will have to keep things the way they are. He was fine either way, he got to have kiss, snuggle, and sleep with a crazy, amazing, frustrating girl who was totally worth it almost every weekend, and then have as many girls as he wanted in the week with no emotions involved. He loved the way life was working and he couldn't imagine him changing unless he had Bre whenever he wanted her.

"Mike, time to go, time to go!! Oh and we have to get coffee 2 venti carmel frappacinios. You boys have to share with us, so ha" Bre laughed sticking out her tongue, and running to the Jeep.

"You will share baby, or else I am strapping you to the roof." Mike teased back

"Fine love I will share, but I get the whip cream not you, and the carmel, you can have the coffee stuff inbetween." she giggled.

"Okay that sounds like a deal. You don't need the caffeine anyway" it was now Mike's turn to roll his eyes.


"Girls what are you two laughing about your making me nervous" Mike asked. The two girls had insisited that they get the back seat so they could have girl talk. Which really meant they got to whisper, and make fun of the guys but he didn't mind, he got to catch up with David, who he was realizing was a lot like him, the only difference was that Whitney had been a whole lot easier to control then Bre. He picked a firecracker.

Sticking her tongue out was again, "It is none of your business Mikey Poo. We are having girl time so deal with it."

"Okay, Okay... I get it but ladies we are almost to the Science Center so wrap it up." his remark brought a round of applause from the back seat. Why again did they get them coffee, together those two did not need the extra stimulant.

Mike had barely got the Jeep parked before the two girl jumped out and ran into the building. By the time him and David made it in, they were already half way through the exhibts, and had both managed to to take about 1,000 pictures. The two guys didn't stand a chance slowing these girls down, and just made themselves as useful as possible, all the while wondering why they had picked those two. When they reached the touch pools however, they had to step in. After about 15 minutes of 'Look, Look poke this one, No wait this one is cooler', they had to usher them out the doors, and back to the Jeep. 

If the Science Center was bad, that was a cake walk compared to the Aquarium. The girls hide from them in the Shark walk, threatened to cry when they tried to take them away from the otters after 45 minutes of listening to them giggle, and comment on how they wanted to take one home. When it came time for lunch they literally had to pull them out the doors, they were so engrossed in the jelly fish, that they would have stayed there all day if it had been there choice. 

Back in the car Bre was pouting "Mikey, I hate you. You didn't let me see them feed the otters, and you almost carried me out of the Aquarium that wasn't nice." 

"Bre, baby, your amazingly wonderfully annoying. Us boys are hungry, feed us and we will take you for a ride on the sand, and let you play in the ocean okay?" hopefully that would satisfy her

"Okay, can we have clam chowder, and calamari, pretty please, oh and salt water taffy I promised Bryan Taffy." she asked happy again.

"Yes, we are going to Moe's you can have anything you want." why was he here again he wondered. Oh yea he wanted her as his.

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