Recording Videos [Septiplier]

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so hey!, for all the Septiplier fangirls out there, this is for you
Jack's POV

(I won't be writing the way he speak, I am sorry) Sometimes, when couples live with their boyfriend/girlfriend, and they're youtubers, they think it's fun even if they interrupt them mid-recording, they think it's cute and all, but here in the Septiplier residence, we think it's funny and cute but bloody annoying.

My name is Sean but others call me Jack just because of my youtube name, Jacksepticeye, some of you may know me but some don't know so I had to introduce myself, I live with my boyfriend, Mark or Markiplier, the 10Mil subscriber youtuber who I know and love. We interrupt eachother when we record and we both became used to it, it still may be annoying but it won't matter when it's true love.

He was recording a 'Will You Press The Button' video and he was a bit loud (but not as loud as me) but of course, loving him, it wouldn't matter. I tip-toed my way to his room, his noise getting louder each step, "You get to quit your job but you'll have to live your whole life without a job, well that's just stupid and horrible!, well I guess the job their talking about is the job other people take not YouTube, so I guess it would be great to the others but as a YouTuber, I will not!, because I will miss you guys!" he said laughing a bit, I chuckled that's sweet.

He continued to read more, shout and laugh, I texted him even though I know he won't reply because that's what we do, "My phone is going off but I won't reply to that--" I cut him off with another text "Well whoever this person is surely is--" text. "This is getting a little bit too--" text. "Oh fine, maybe I'll be lucky and Matt will edit this out" I covered my mouth, trying to restrain my laughter a moment of silence was held until I could hear a little bit of laughter, footsteps was heard so I backed away from the door a little putting on an innocent face.

He opened the door with a big smiled "What the hell, Jack?" I laughed "I guess I iust needed your hugs and kisses" I said opening my arms doing a kissy face with it as well, he laughed and hugged me, kissing me for a split second "Ya big goof" he said hugging me tight "And don't worry, I'm pretty sure Matt will edit that out" "He probably won't..since no Septiplier was seen in there, he won't edit it out being a lil' idiot he is" I chuckled "Alright go back to your recording, I'll just record when your finish, you're loud!" "Listen to yourself when YOU record!" I laughed "Go!" he laughed then hugged me one last time before going back to his recording.

Mark's POV

"And I will see the next video! Bu-bye!" I said waving to the camera, turning it off, I stood up then went over to Jack's room, what? you thought I was just gonna let him be? of course not! I'm getting my revenge of course. I could just hear him shout his lungs out, I think he's doing a Reading Your Comments today, 'maybe if I'..I quickly got out my phone then went to twitter, my tweet would appear no matter what anyways.

I made a second account because my first one was filled with too many notifications my twitter would crash, I logged into my second one then tweeted
"@Jacksepticeye Do you love Markiplier?" not much of a payback, I know, but I can't help it.

I crossed my fingers hoping that he'd see my tweet, I ran back to my room, logged off of twitter, kept my phone and pretended nothing happened, minutes later, Jack texted me if I could come to his room for a minute, I laughed a little before standing up and walking to his room.

"Yes, Jack?" we never told people that we lived together but they probably know since Jack's background is different from his original one "Someone tweeted out if I love you" I held in my laughter "Oh really?" Jack nodded "Well do ya jackie?" he smiled, stood up and walked over to me, "If I never loved you, then I would've nevef said yes to your 'Will You Be My Boyfriend' question right?" I smiled "Before we kiss, can I just beautiful your eyes are" Jack shook his head "I know you tweeted that out".

"Trying to get in your Reading Your Comments video wouldn't hurt anyways so..why not try right?" he giggled befofe kissing me, we forgot this was Twitter Edition and was not edited yet, so Twitter would be likely to be exploding since my tweet popped out. he cussed under his breathe (in a good way) I laughed "Ya big goof!" he said laughing a bit "What?, I didn't do anything" he laughed even more "Ah whatever, they'll know what they need to know" I grinned pulling him into a hug "I love you, Jack" "I love you too, Mark, I love you too" and with that said, we kissed once more.

Words: 900
Updating is so much fun
when you aren't lazy
I miss you guys
And I miss writing!
I don't update much, yes I know.
And I am truly sorry about that
But please bare with me as I will update anytime
not soon
but I will update
Bye, I'll see you soon

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